From Colonial New England to Minnesota, learn about the Stanwoods and related families.
Matches 1,201 to 1,250 of 2,283
# | Notes | Linked to |
1201 | Real estate transfers | SIMPSON, Ernest Loren (I1524)
1202 | Rebecca was born between 1636 and 1643, and was a minor over 14 years of age when she chose Joseph Jewett as her guardian September 1657. | BRADSTREET, Rebecca (I1451)
1203 | Receivd this 7th of July 1740 of Thoma__ Connelly Executrix to the last will and testament of Joseph Greenleaf late of Newbury deceased, as Guardian for Thomazin Greenleaf a daughter and minor of the said Joseph Greenleaf deceasd, Sundrys of the personal estate of the said Joseph Greenleaf, deceased, amounting to the value of one hundred and seven pounds five shillings, as part of a Legacy given to the said Thomazin Greenleaf in the Last will and Testament of the said Joseph Greenleaf deceasd. Recd pr Benja Bradstreet As guardian for the said minor | BRADSTREET, Benjamin (I1837)
1204 | Records and files of the Quarterly courts of Essex county, Massachusetts, 9 vols., 1911-1975. Dow, George Francis images online. Internet Archive. : 29 November 2015. | Source (S915)
1205 | Records of First Church 1739-1805 and South Church Records 1747-1848 (IHS microfilm 4). Microfilm publication. Ipswich, Massachusetts: Ipswich Historical Society, n.d. | Source (S722)
1206 | Records of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia Called Out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a Threatened Invasion during the War of 1812-1814, Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co. State Printers, 1913. Pearson, Brig. Genl. Gardner W. images online. Internet Archive. : accessed 12 Apr 2014. | Source (S316)
1207 | Regional State Archives in Bergen. "Church book from Fjelberg parish 1788-1815 (1213P)". Database. | Source (S371)
1208 | Registered NursingN | STRIEGEL, Edna Lillian (I311)
1209 | Reminiscences and early history of old Peru, 1913. Arnold, Seward, compiler images online. Internet Archive. : 19 June 2016. | Source (S161)
1210 | Renlisted | SIMPSON, Wallace R (I2078)
1211 | Repertory, "In Boothbay, Mrs. Abigail, widow of the late Mr. Nathaniel Tibbets, aged 93, leaving upwards of two hundred and thirty descendants." | GILES?, Abigail (I2716)
1212 | Resided in Trenton, according to Old Hancock County Families. | THOMAS, Betsey (I2780)
1213 | Rev. Nathaniel Tibbetts of Boothbay and New Sharon, Maine, farmer and minister of the Baptist church, born in Dover, N. H., 9 April 1752, died in New Sharon 23 Sept. 1845, aged 93 years, 6 mos. He married in Boothbay, 15 Jan. 1775, ELIZABETH ALLEY, born in Boothbay 10 Oct. 1754, died in New Sharon 10 May 1839, daughter of John and Martha Alley. A soldier in the Revolution, he enlisted from Boothbay 13 July 1775, as a private, in Capt. Landon's company. Children born in Boothbay: Nathaniel Martha Eunice Phebe Abigail John Mary Sarah Jessie L Event Memos from GEDCOM Import... Land Lot 88 Purchase, Know all men by these present that Prince Baker of Sandy River, Samuel Dutton, James Carr and Nathaniel Dummer of Hallowell of the county of Lincoln State of Massachusetts'a0In consideration of Thirty-seven shillings already paid us by Nathaniel Tibbets of a place called Unity at Sandy River in the county of Lincoln, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge have given, granted, bargained, sold, conveyed and confirmed and by the present do give, grant, bargain, sell, convey ad confirm unto him the said Nathaniel Tibbets and his heirs and assigns forever a piece of land in a place called Unity at Sandy River and being one hundred acres more or less acord (sic) to the survey made by Ephraim Ballard one thousand seven hundred and ninety number on the on the north side of Sandy River with red ink eighty eight the same being a settlers lot and part of the tract of land purchase from the States Committee for the sale of Eastern land said deed dated February fifteenth one thousand seven'a0hundred and ninety one, to Prince Baker, Saml Dutton, James Carr and Nathaniel Dummer, said land being in the county of Lincoln and the State of Massachusetts, To have and to hold the above bargained Premises, with all the privileges and appurtenances to him the said Nathl Tibbets and his heirs and assigns, to the said Nathaniel Tibbets, and his heirs and assigns forever. Pg 119 forever. 'a0And me the said Prince Baker, Saml. Dutton, James Carr and Nathl Dummer for our ___ 'a0____ heirs, executors and administrators, covenant and engage to and with the said Nathaniel Tibbets and his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, that at the time of the delivery hereof we are lawfully seized in for simple of the above bargained premises, and that the same are free of all encumbrances, that we have good right full power and lawfull authority to grant bargain sell a and convey the same to him the said Nathaniel Tibbets and his heirs and assigns to have and to hold the same in manner and for the use aforesaid; and that we and our heirs will warrant secure and defend the above bargained premises to him the said Nathaniel Tibbets and his heirs and assigns forever'a0against the lawful claims of all persons. 'a0In witness whereof we the said Prince Baker; Samuel Dutton, 'a0James Carr and Nathaniel Dunner have hereunto set our hand and seal this twenty'a0forth day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety one -'a0 Prince Baker Samuel Dutton James Carr Nathl Dunner Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Samuel Toby, Elisha Nye Lincoln __ January 13th 1792 The above named Prince Baker'a0 Samuel Dutton 'a0James Carr & Nathaniel Dunner - personally acknowledged the foregoing instrument by their seals to be their deed before Samuel Foley Justice of the Peace.Kennebec Co Recd June 3 1818 entered and compared with the original by John Harvey Register | TIBBETTS, Rev Nathaniel (I1596)
1214 | Rice County, Minnesota, Marriage records. | Source (S708)
1215 | Richard Glenn Huffman stated that Catherine emigrated with her two sons, Frederick and Henry. However, from passenger lists we know that Henry came first, and Catherine did not arrive until 1845. He further stated that Catherine “got lost on the Laural Mountain for nine days, she lost her memory as a result of this incident, and died when Elizabeth Uphouse was 19 years old, c 1861” (Huffman, p. 59). | (_____), Catharine Maria (I1495)
1216 | Richard Kemball came to this country in the ship Elizabeth,William Andrews, master, in 1634. He appears to have gone, soon after landing, to Watertown, mass. He settled in a different part of the town from that occupied by Henry Kemball. According to Bond and other writers Richard and Henry were brothers. There is but little evidence to support this supposition and it seems to be mainly founded on the fact that they both came over on the same vessel. Richard is said on the shipping list to be thirty-nine years old, but he was probably somewhat older. He was,however, in the prime of life, and soon became a prominent and active man in the new settlement. He first settled in Watertown, and his home lot is thus given by Dr. Henry Bond: Richard Kimball, six acres, bounded on the north by Cambridge, east by land of W.Hamlet, south by the highway, and west by land of Edward White. This lot was situated a long way from the centre of the town. It is now in Cambridge, which many years ago annexed the eastern part of Watertown. The lot was situated near what is now the corner or Huron avenue and Appleton street, and near springs of water. He was proclaimed freeman in 1635, May 6. Was a proprietor in 1636-7. Soon after this date he was invited to remove to Ipswich, where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days. The town granted him a house lot, Feb 23, 1637, next adjoining Goodwin Simons at the west end of the town. He was also granted at the same time “40 acres Beyond the North riuer, near the land of Robert Scott.” In 1639 he had liberty to pasture “two cows free.” On “the last day of the last month 1641” he is mentioned as “Among the Commoners of Ipswich.” He was appointed one of the seven men March 1, 1645. On the 22nd day of the tenth mo. 1647 he was allowed two Pounds for killing two foxes. His services as wheelwright were appreciated by his townspeople, for he was permitted in January, 1649, to “fell such white Oaks as he hath occasion to use about his trade for the town use.” December 19, 1648, he contributed with others three shillings as his annual proportion towards the sum of £27, 7 s, as a rate for the services of their military leader, major David Dennison, then commander of the military forces of Essex and Norfolk counties. In September, 1652, he was one of theappraisers of the estate of John Cross, one of the earliest settlers of Ipswich. On the 25, day 11 mo 1652, he and his son Richard, Wheelwrights, “for £14, sell 30 acres upland bounding on land of Mr. John Winthrop,” also another lot of land of ten acres of “medow”. In 1653 he was one of a committee of three to survey fences in the common fields north of the river. His brother-in-law Thomas Scott died Feb.1653-4 and he was joint executor with Edmund Bridges of his will. On May 25, 1654, their official position was recognized by Thomas Scott, Jr., then a resident of Stamford, Conn. In 1660 he was granted right “to fell 20 white oak trees to make weels for the townsmen their use.” In 1664 he owned 43 shares in Plumb Island. Richard Kimball was of the parish of Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, as is shown by the following entry on the parish register: Henry Kimball ye soune of Richard and Vrsula his wife baptized 1615 12 of August. Ursula was the daughter of Henry Scott of Rattlesden, as appears from the following extract from Henry Scott’swill: “To Abigale Kemball my grandchild twentie shillings to be paid at 21 to Henrie Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Richard Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21.” He also mentions his wife Martha, and sons Roger and Thomas Scott. Thomas Scott came with his wife and children to this country in the same vessel as Richard and his family, and they brought Martha Scott with them. This will was made 24 Sept. 1635 In the 21st year of James of England by Henry Scott of Rattlesden in the Co. of Suffolk and diocese of Norwich. It was proved in the court of the Arch deacon of Sudbury 10 January 1624-5. As Thomas Scott settled in Ipswich this may have had some influence in causing Richard’s removal from Watertown. Henry Scott was buried at Rattlesden, Dec. 24, 1624. (Parish Register.) Richard Kimball married second, Oct.23, 1661, Margaret Dow, widow of Henry Dow of Hampton, N.H. Event Memos from GEDCOM Import... *New [WILL] The last will and Testament of Richard Kimball senr of Ipswich in Essex in new England who although weake in body yet of prfect memory doe dispose of my lands & estate in maner & form as followeth. To my Loveinge wife my will is that she shall dwell in my house and have the Improvement of my ground and meadow belonging therunto with the use and increase of my whole stock of cattle, one whole year after my decease, and then at the years end, the forty pound due to her acording to contract at marriage to be payd her and that houshold stuff she brought with her. And to have liberty to live in the parler end of the house, the roome we now lodge in: and liberty for her nesessary vse of some part of sellar: also the liberty of one cow in the pasture, the executorsto provide winter meate for the same, and to have a quarter part of the fruit of the orchard, and firewood as long as she lives there., And if she desire to remove to her owne house, then to be sett in it with what she have by my executors and to be alowed forty shillings yearly as long as shee lives. And to my Eldest son Henry, my will is to give him three score and ten pounds to bee payd Twenty pounds, a year & half after my decease, & the remaining part in two years following after that. To my son Richard I give fforty pounds. To my son John I give twenty pounds. To my son Thomas I give Twenty five pounds to bee payd two years and a halfe after my decease, and to his children I give seaven pounds to be devided equally among them and paid as they come of age or at day of marriage, provided if any dye before then their share to be distributed equally among the rest. And to my son Benjamin, besides the two oxen, allready received I give the sum of twenty five pounds, ten pound to be payd a yeare and halfe after my decease. The rest the two years ffollowing, also to his children I give five pounds, equally to be devyded, and payd, as they come of age, or at day of marriage, in case any dye before, that part to be equally divided to the rest. And to my son Caleb I give that peace of land knowne by the name of Tings lott, and all my land att Wattells neck with my marsh at the hundreds knowne by the name of Wiatts marsh, and all my working tools exsept two axes, all to be delivered present after my discease also I give fourteene pounds to his seaven children equally to be devided, to be payd as they come of age or at Day of marriage, and if any dye before, that part to be equally devided amongst the rest. To my son-in-law John Severns, I give ten pounds to be pay'd two yeares & a halfe after my decease. And to my Daughter Elizabeth, I give thirty pounds, ten pound to be payd, a year & halfe after my decease, and the other two parts, the tow following years after that. To my Daughter Mary I give ten pounds, five pound to be payd a year & halfe after my decease, the other five pound the year after that. To my daughter Sarah I give forty pound, five pound to be payd the yeare & halfe after my decease and the rest five pound a yeare till it be all payd, also to her children I give seaven pounds ten shillings to be paid to them as they come of age or at day of marriage, if any dye before, that part to be equally devyded to the rest. And to my daughter Sarah above sd; I also give the bed I lye on with the furniture after one years use of it by my wife. To Thomas and Mary I give forty shillings apeece to be payd a year & halfe after my decease, and to Jeremiah I give fifteene pounds to be payd at the age of one & twenty. I give also eight pounds to the two Eldest daughters of Gyes Cowes (that he had by his first wife) to be payd and equally devided to them at the age of sisteene, if either of them dye before then the whole to be given to that that remaines. I also give four pounds to my Couzen Haniell Bossworth, And doe ordaine & apoynt my two sons above sd. Richard and John Kimball to be my lawfull and sole executors. And my Couzen Haniell Bosworth above sayd to be my overseer that this my last will and Testament be duely and truly performed And thus I conclude with setting too my hand and seale the fifth of march 1674-5. Richard Kemball & a mark and a seale. Signed & sealed after the enterlining (and firewood) in the seventh line in the originall yu the presence of Moses Pengry Senr Aron Pengry Ser. | KIMBALL, Richard (I2474)
1217 | Rising Star Hero Buried RISING STAR, Dec. 18.-(RNS)— Funeral services were held a 3:00 a.m. Thursday at the local Church of Christ for Floyd Rogers, who lost his life in action during the invasion of France in fighting around Si Lo. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rogers, now residing in Brownwood. He was born and reared on a farm near Rising Star. He was a private first class at the time of his death. Stories in Stars and Stripes and Yank credit him with killing 27 Germans, mostly snipers, for which he was awarded the silver star. Interment was in Rising Star cemetery with military rites by Floyd Rogers Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, which was named in his honor. | ROGERS, Floyd Lafayette (I2197)
1218 | Rites for Ernest L. Simpson, 69, 1001 E. Lake street, were today. He was a painter and decorator. Surviving are the wife and two daughters, Goldie of Minneapolis and Mrs. John Anhorn of Austin, Minn. | SIMPSON, Ernest Loren (I1524)
1219 | Robert Day bequeathed “to my son John Day after my decease as already I have engagted upon his marriage wtih Sary Pengry my dwelling house with ye barns, outhouses, orchards, yards & land about it with all ye appertunances & privileges thereunto belonging also all my salt marsh adjoyning to the hundreds & all yt parcell of land lying near the common fence gate wch was part of Mr Bradstreets his lot: & six acres of land more or less wch I bought of Deacon Knolton all which I give to my son Jno Day..To have and to hould to him & his heirs for ever: with this….condition: yt he pay twenty pound or else leave the lot yt I bought of Deacon Knolton where I shall dispose of it according to agreement at my son John his marriage, wch twenty pound shall be paid yt one halfe in good New England money the other ten pound in good wheat malt &porke of eash proporialb or leave yt aforesaid lot: also I give my son JOhn one booke.” | DAY, John (I104)
1220 | Robert Day to Thomas Day | DAY, Sergt. Thomas (I740)
1221 | Robert Day to Thomas Day | DAY, Robert (I1797)
1222 | Robert Miller to Thomas Westgatt, a messuage and tract of land (added to DB 20 NOV 2011) | WASGATT, Thomas (I1977)
1223 | Robert P. LoPresti, 69 OLD ORCHARD BEACH -- Robert P. LoPresti, 69, of Old Orchard Beach, died Monday morning, Aug. 30, 2010, at Gosnell Hospice with his loving family at his side. He was born on Jan. 27, 1941, in Saugus, Mass., the son of the late Joseph and Josephine (Sawin) LoPresti. He attended schools in Saugus, graduating from Saugus High School with the Class of 1959. He enlisted with the U.S. Army following high school. Robert served overseas in Germany and awarded his Honorable Discharge in 1962. Robert worked with the Saugus Police Department for several years before relocating to Old Orchard Beach. He joined his father in the family business, former LoPresti Fuel and Burner Service. After several years, he took over the business from his father and continued operation until his retirement in 1998. He also co-owned and worked with his wife and daughters at Cascade Garden Center, Old Orchard Beach. Proud of his community, Robert generously volunteered his time with Old Orchard Beach's Zoning Board of Appeals (former Chairman), the Planning Board (former Chairman) and was a member of the Town Council. He was also a member of the local Lion's Club and Kiwanis' Club. Robert's family would like to express their sincere gratitude to the staff of Gosnell Hospice House, Scarborough, the Visiting Nurses of Southern Maine, and Dr. Steven Kirsch's office for their dedicated care and support during this difficult time. He was predeceased by his sister, Jan Smith. He is survived by his beloved wife of 44 years, Charlene (Gould) LoPresti of Old Orchard Beach; three loving daughters, Jodine LoPresti Adams of Wells, Ann Marie (Anthony) LoPresti of Old Orchard Beach, Julie Ann LoPresti of Old Orchard Beach; a sister, Camille Bourque and her husband Paul of Buxton, a brother, David LoPresti of Duchesne, Utah; one grandson, Bailey Robert LoPresti; and many nieces, nephews and cousins. A memorial Mass will be celebrated on Friday, Sept. 3, 2010, at 11 a.m., at St. Margaret's Church, Old Orchard Beach. Burial will be private and at the convenience of the family. To share condolences online, please visit Robert P. LoPresti - See more at: | LOPRESTI, Robert P. (I839)
1224 | Rogers, Lauren. Funeral book and memorial card for Julia C. Uphouse. 1961. Privately held by Lauren Rogers, Wilmington, DE 19809. 2021. | Source (S635)
1225 | RootsWeb, Metz Mortuary, compiler. "Metz Mortuary Death Records". Database. RootsWeb. : accessed 21 February 2011. | Source (S692)
1226 | Ruth Ann Goins Rogers died in New York in March 2015 per her children. When her kids were young, Dad would fly them to Louisiana to see her. She had been stuck in Houston during Hurricane Katrina and called Dad, asking him for money, which he sent to her. She went to New York after that. | GOINS, Ruth A (I2478)
1227 | Sailed aboard the "Island" ship with manifesto stating destination Story Co, IA. Arrived at Ellis Island, NY 18 Aug 1893. | VELAND, Johannes Olson (I2693)
1228 | Saint Francis River Cemetery (Duelm, Benton, MN; Hwy 6)). Grave markers. | Source (S555)
1229 | Sale $600, Know all men by these presents I Nathaniel Tibbets of Boothbay in the County of Lincoln and commonwealth of Massachusetts Yeoman in consideration of six hundred dollars to me paid by Giles Tibbets of the same town, county, & Commonwealth aforesaid, yeoman, the receipt where of I do hereby acknowledge, do hereby give, Grant, sell and convey unto the said Gilles Tibbets is heirs& assigns for ever, a certain parcel or tract of land situated in said Boothbay & bounded as follows, viz, beginning at a birch tree standing on the west bank of Cross River so called, on Ichabod Tibbets north line, thence running west by North about one hundred twenty rods to land of said Giles Tibbets, thence North by East eighty rods to Benjamin Hutchings' South line, thence East by south to said cross river, thence Southerly by the shore of said River To the bounds first mentioned, containing Sixty acres more or less, contained within the bounds of aforesaid. To have and to hold the afore-granted premises to the said Giles Tebbets his heirs and assigns to his & their use and behoof forever. And I do covenant with the said Giles Tibbets his heirs and assigns, that I am lawfully seizen in fee of the aforegranted to premises; That they are free of all encumbrances; That I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Giles Tibbets his errors& AssignsIn manor aforesaid;And that I will warrant and defend the same premises to the said Giles Tibbetts his heirs and assigns for ever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons, claiming from, by or under me. In witness whereof, the said Nathaniel & Abigail wife of said Nathaniel in token of her relinquishment of right or dower in the premises have hereunto set our Hands and Seals this fourth Day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirteen. The words erased between the words "premises & have" done before signing. Nathaniel Tebets & a seal. Abigail (her x mark) Tebbets & a seal. Signed, sealed, and delievered in Presence of Us Edmund Wilson, Joseph Tebbets Lincoln May 11 1813 then the above named Nathl Tibbets acknowledged the above instrument to be his free act & Deed before me Edmund Wilson Just of Peace. Rec'd May 8 1813 & entered & examined by Warren Rice Regr. | Family: Nathaniel TIBBETTS / Abigail GILES? (F51)
1230 | Sale 100 pounds, Lincoln Fs Know all men by these Presents that I Nathanael Tebbets of Booth Bay in said County Yeoman for and in consideration of the Sum of One Hundred Pounds to me in Hand paid before the Sealing and Delivering of those Presents by William McClintock of Bristol in said County Yeoman, The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, and forever acquit the said William thereof; Have remised released and forever quit claimed, and by these Presents do remise, release and forever quit claim to the said William his Heirs and Assigns forever, all my Right, Title, Interest and Demand whatsoever, of, in and to a certain Tract of land Situate, lying and being in Booth Bay aforesaid, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at an old Stump standing on the westerly Bank of the Cross River (so called) it being the N.W. Corner of Mr. Thos. Kenney’s Lot, Thence running West two Hundred and sister four Poles, to a Poplar Tree marked four sides Thence East course till it strike the Shore by a large Hemlock Tree marked Thence Southerly (as the Sor runs) bounded by the Shore to the first Bounds mentioned, to contain One Hundred & Thirty acres. To have and to hold the said remised released Premises to him the said William, his Heirs & assigns forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this Sixth Day of March anno Dom. Seventeen Hundred and seventy four. Nathanael (sic) Tebbets and a Seal Abgaeil (sic) Tebbets (her mark) & a Seal. Signed, sealed and delivered in Presence of Joseph Beath James Fullerton Lincoln Fs Boothbay March 6, 1774. Nathanell Tebbits acknowledged the within Deed to be his act & Deed Before me John Stinson Justice Pees Lincoln fs March 14, 1774 Received and accordingly entered & exam. by Jonn Bonman Reg | Family: Nathaniel TIBBETTS / Abigail GILES? (F51)
1231 | Sale of 11/18’s interest of father Jeremiah Day’s homestead to Moses Treadwell, who also purchased the other 7/18’s interest from estate of her brother Benjamin. | DAY, Mary (I2494)
1232 | Sale of land to James & Moses Day | DAY, Sarah (I306)
1233 | Sale of land to James & Moses Day | DAY, John (I1447)
1234 | sale of land to son Thomas Wasgatt 3rd, Witness, Witness, Thomas sells half-share of lot (owned with Benjamin Stanwood) to son Thomas Wasgatt, 3rd. Likely this is a portion of lot E22 on Peter's Plan of 1807, north of and adjacent to Robert Young's lot and on Duck Brook. | WASGATT, Thomas (I1362)
1235 | Sale of residence (Lot 14), See deed 4:5 in which Lemuel Bursley Jr becomes guarantee for Elisha Bass, in amount of $1500, due in three installments. Notes paid in full August 1840. | SPENCER, Lavina (I1311)
1236 | Sale of residence (Lot 14), See deed 4:5 in which Lemuel Bursley Jr becomes guarantee for Elisha Bass, in amount of $1500, due in three installments. Notes paid in full August 1840. | BURSLEY, Lemuel (I2449)
1237 | Sale to Augustus Strickland | Family: Jesse L TIBBETTS / Christina DUTTON (F484)
1238 | Sale to Fuller - Lots 24, 25 and 32, Benjamin Stanwood sold lots 24, 25 and 32 (600 acres) to Timothy Fuller for $1500. | STANWOOD, Benjamin (I1947)
1239 | sale to son Thomas 3rd, Witness, Thomas Wasgatt, Jr. sold to son Thomas Wasgatt, 3rd: 1/4 part of saw mill at Duck Brook (lower mill); 1/4 part of saw mill at Duck Brook (upper mill) with land; 7/8 of saw mill at Cromwell's Harbor with land | WASGATT, Thomas (I1362)
1240 | Salisbury Cove Cemetery (Bar Harbor, Maine on north side of Old Bar Harbor Rd.). Grave markers. | Source (S122)
1241 | Samantha was the dau of Samuel (1777) & Annis SISCO. See my SISCO line for children, etc. | SISCO, Samantha (I2668)
1242 | Sawtelle in Medford Revisited quotes Oscar Day in "Day Family": "Warren Day, the youngest son of Aaron Day, settled on the farm later owned by John W. Smith. For over a quarter century, he clerked in Samuel Dinsmore's store. He married Lucinda Betts, and four children were born of this union. They were Newall Day of Shelton, Washington; Sarah Weymouth of Escondido, California; Joseph W. Day of St. Helens, Oregon; and Mary Jane of Milford." | DAY, Joseph Warren (I2193)
1243 | Sawtelle quotes the "Day Family" by Oscar Day: "William Jasper was a lifelong resident of this town, having resided on the 'Jap' Day place on the south side of the Piscataquis River." | DAY, William Jasper (I1577)
1244 | Sawyer, Merrylyn. Sawyer Family Papers. Privately held by Merrylyn Sawyer, [address for private use], 2014. | Source (S905)
1245 | Schoodic Cemetery (Medford, Maine; Trestle Road near North Road). Grave markers. | Source (S620)
1246 | School for Feeble Minded | BURSLEY, Aaron Day (I947)
1247 | School for Feeble Minded | BURSLEY, Aaron Day (I947)
1248 | School for Feeble Minded | BURSLEY, Aaron Day (I947)
1249 | Scott Cemetery (Chester, Maine). Grave markers. | Source (S323)
1250 | Seal Cove Cemetery | ATHERTON, Deacon Benjamin (I1589)
We strive to document all of our sources in this family tree. If you have something to add, please let us know.