The Stanwood Family

From Colonial New England to Minnesota, learn about the Stanwoods and related families.


Matches 151 to 200 of 2,283

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
151 “Charles W. Uphouse, 37, of Des Moines, was killed Sunday when his Cadillac overturned on U.S. highway 69 two miles north of here. His wife, Maxine, 29, and their 7-year-old son, Billy, were slightly injured. The family was traveling to Los Angeles, where they planned to make their home.” UPHOUSE, Charles W (I1158)
152 “Court released Robert Day, Edward Lomasse and Richard Kemball from training for the time to come without pay.” DAY, Robert (I1728)
153 “Deaths,” transcript by Jean Ellen Rhodes, at Jean's Maine Genealogy Page ( : accessed 26 February 2012); Jonas Corson, citing original publication in the Ellsworth American, 13 February 1890. Source (S621)
154 “Deaths,” transcript by Jean Ellen Rhodes, at Jean's Maine Genealogy Page ( : accessed 4 December 2011); Amos J. Chatto, citing original publication in the Ellsworth American, 31 December 1891. Source (S434)
155 “in his 75th y.” DAY, Thomas (I64)
156 “Luckert, Stanwood & Co. are hiring men for the pineries…A. J. Stanwood was in the cities on business last week.” STANWOOD, Albert Jerome (I2622)
157 “Marriages,” transcript by Jean Ellen Rhodes, at Jean's Maine Genealogy Page ( : accessed 18 March 2012); Benjamin S. Campbell and Catherine Gilley, citing original publication in the Ellsworth American, 22 March 1880. Source (S958)
158 “Marriages,” transcript by Jean Ellen Rhodes, at Jean's Maine Genealogy Page ( : accessed 19 September 2012); Ambrose H. Wasgatt and Adelma I. McFarland, citing original publication in the Ellsworth American, 20 February 1873. Source (S820)
159 “Marriages,” transcript by Jean Ellen Rhodes, at Jean's Maine Genealogy Page ( : accessed 4 December 2011); Simeon H. Richards and Henrietta S. Wasgatt, citing original publication in the Ellsworth American, 10 April 1868. Source (S54)
160 “Mary Sparke deposed that being at William Rowe’s house, together with Thomas Day and his wife one Sabbath day at night, arose a discourse between us about fishing….” DAY, Thomas (I64)
161 “Mrs. A.J. Stanwood, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. H.E. Cravens, for a month past, returned to her home in Northfield, last Thursday.” STANWOOD, Georgiana (I343)
162 “Of Nathaniel Caldwell, the youngest son, we know least of all. He had a home on what is now the westerly half of the High street Burying-ground. We have known people who remembered his house and the grandchildren who lived in it. They were a quiet, retired family, not blending with society.” CALDWELL, Nathaniel (I1084)
163 “Power was given to Mark Symons and Robert Daye to gather up the Elders mayntenance and upon refusall to distrayne” DAY, Robert (I1728)
164 “Rites for Ernest L. Simpson,” undated clipping, ca. July 1939, from unidentified newspaper; . , Mahieu Family Papers, privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Newark, Delaware, 2015. Inherited in 2004 from her grandmother, Goldie (Simpson) Uphouse Edwards, daughter of Ernest L. Simpson. Source (S849)
165 “Robert Day and Edward Chapman deposed that they, as overseers of the common fence, found the fence in several places at Scot’s hill insufficient, etc. Sworn in court.” DAY, Robert (I1728)
166 “Robert Day released from ordinary training, paying 6s. a year to the company.” DAY, Robert (I1728)
167 “Robert Day v. Robert Burges. Trespass. For illegally attaching his mare, which he was forced to replevin, having no warrant against him. Verdict for defendent.” DAY, Robert (I1728)
168 “Robert Day, aged about seventy-seven years, deposed that about the time Mr. Saltonstall was about to go back to England, the last time he was here, he was at deponant’s house” (p. 110).

“…that said Edward should seasonably attend to all gravel requisite for the mill or mill dams, for which upon account he should be satisfied by the appointment of George Gittings, Deacon Goodhue, Robert Day, John Denison and Freegrave Norton, or any three or more of them…” p. 111). 
DAY, Robert (I1728)
169 “Robert Day, complaining that the bill of costs in Robert Burges case was not right, the court ordered that execution be respitted untiil said Burges could be present.” DAY, Robert (I1728)
170 “Robert Day, Ed Lomas and Robt. Wallis were freed from ordinary trainings, paying a bushel of Indian corn yearly to the use of the company.” DAY, Robert (I1728)
171 “Samuel Graves and Grace Graves testified…we speaking with Thomas Day our Cousin that married her sister about Sarah, He told us that when she was first marrid Sarah Carried well to her husband till John Lee frequented the House & her Company when her husband was abroad a fishing, & speaking of her husband Wm Roe he spoke of him in a deriding way of the disparagement of his person; & she answered, well why is he not as other men, If you had bene a sea man as long as hee you wold have had wrinkls in your forehead as well as hee excusing John Lee’s disparageing words…” DAY, Thomas (I64)
172 “Sarah Day, aged nineteen years, deposed. Sworn April 21, 1670...” DAY, Sarah (I2291)
173 “The men chosen for Collectors, are Mr Thomas Firman Mark Symonds, Robert Daye chosen instead of Mr Firman.” DAY, Robert (I1728)
174 “The town was organized, Mar. 29, 1828, at the house of Jehu Young. Asa Wilson was chosen moderator ; Abner Whicher, clerk ; Nathan Hunt, first constable ; Elisha Upton and Joseph Hadlock, overseers of the poor ; Abel Alton, Joseph Hadlock and Madison Keith, selectmen ; Joseph Hadlock, Madison Keith and Abner Whicher, listers. Madison Keith was the first representative, and the first justice of the peace.” WILSON, Asa (I2851)
175 “To see if the town will except of a road as laid out by the selectmen beginning on Jessie L. Tibbits land near his barn running a southerly course about sixty two rods to the main road leading from John P. Spencer to west mills.” SPENCER, John P. (I962)
176 “Tythingman approved at this court…Robert Day…” DAY, Robert (I1728)
177 “Wedding guests included parents of the bridegroom and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Beatrice Rogers from Hugo…” Family: Joseph Lafayette ROGERS / BEATRICE (F874)
178 Males
Under 10: 0
10-15: 2
16-25: 1
26-44: 0
45 and over: 1
Under 10: 2
10-15: 0
16-25: 1
26-44: 0
45 and over: 1 
WASGATT, Thomas (I1362)
179 Males
Under 10: 0
10-16: 2
16-26: 0
26-45: 0
45 and over: 1
Under 10: 2
10-16: 1
16-26: 1
26-45: 0
45 and over: 0 
WASGATT, Thomas (I746)
180 Males
Under 10: 4
10-15: 0
16-25: 1
45 and over:
Under 10: 0
10-15: 0
16-25: 1
26-44: 0
45 and over: 0 
WASGATT, Thomas (I746)
181 Males:
Under 5: 0
Five and under ten: 1
Ten and under fifteen: 0
Fifteen and under twenty: 0
Twenty and under thirty: 2
Thirty and under forty: 0
Forty and under fifty: 0
Fifty and under sixty: 1
Under 5: 0
Five and under ten: 1
Ten and under fifteen: 2
Fifteen and under twenty: 2
Twenty and under thirty: 1
Thirty and under forty: 0
Forty and under fifty: 0
Fifty and under sixty: 1 
BURSLEY, Lemuel (I2449)
182 Males
5-9: 1
10-14: 1
50-59: 1

15-19: 2
50-59: 1 
WILSON, Asa (I2851)
183 Males
Under 5: 2
20-29: 2
40-49: 1

5-9: 2
10-14: 2
40-49: 1
WILSON, Asa (I2851)
184 Boring Ore

Dear Uncle

I received your (letter) yesterday. Was glad to hear from you.
Mother is still hanging on yet but she is pretty feeble. She may last quite a spell yet.

We will (let) you know as soon a(s) possible when she goes. We have cards addressed to all the folks ready to send. It looks as tho we have to send them last summer but she seemed to get stronger again. She remembers things yet and
knows us all.

I see by the papers that you are having a hard winter. Well we have here, not as bad as yours but the worst one that I ever saw in Oregon. We had 18 in. but is all gone now.
Lots of rain and cold. Down to 16 one night.

I am the only one to have a cold this winter but am better
(cont’d next page)

now. I lost my job on W.P.A. on account of age, am now on relief and they are awfully stingy with it.
I got me a job cutting cord wood at $1.50 per cord but I will not let the relief folks know about it.

I bought me a Ford cope (?) for $4.00 and traded it for a drag saw. I had to spend about $6 to fix it up and can get $50.00 for it now but will keep it till I get the wood sawed.

I’ll bet your pension comes in handy. This state don’t give us a pension till we are 70 and not then if they can get out of it. They would rather we would starve to death but the Townsent plan will be in operation before I am 70. So you have had your teeth all out.
Well I had my lower ones pull last June and can’t make enough to have new ones yet.

My gumbs are so tough now that I don’t need any now. They might make me look better.

Bro Lee is on WPA and gets $55.00 for 14 day per month. Him and Clara is taking care of mother. Their address is 3335 SE Hawthorne Ave Portland Ore.

We expect to move soon but will be on the same Route. My Lee is still working in the garage. Lila & Jean are in school. Melvin gets lonesome day time but gets plenty noisy
when the girls get home.

Well I guess I have run out of stuff to write and will have to quit for this time. Now don't be so long in writing.


Your Nephew
Geo W Barlow
R2 Boring Ore 
SIMPSON, Ernest Loren (I1524)
185 Boring Ore
Jan 9-38

Dear Uncle

We received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you and that you are en-
joying better health and hope you get entirely over your trouble. We are all pretty well
here. I am all alone just now. Lettie and kids are over to one of the neighbors.

My boy Lee was here a few minutes this afternoon. He owns a garrage (sic) about 3
mile from here on a main high way and has a good trade. He got married last October
and got an awful good girl. That leaves me 3 kids at home. Lila is in High School. Jean
& Melvin in grade. Lettie says that you can out run her yet. She is getting pretty heavy
now. She weighs over 140 pounds but she sure can do a lot of work.

Len has only one girl in Ft. Dodge Amy. Edna is in Chicago. Edith in Des Moines and
Len is still on folier duty. He has a mortgage on a laf dozen places in East Ft. Dodge.
Had to take one over a year ago then gave it to Amy.

Lee & Laura live in Portland. Clara is in Pasadena Calif at present but is going back to
Boone in the Spring. Fred was in Boise Idaho last we heard.

My girl Ruby and husband are in Detroit Mich. Ruth live about 3 miles from us her man
drives a Co op milk truck. We had a letter from Millie last week. Every body was well at
Faribault but I guess times are hard there too.

Well uncle I guess I have told you all know about the folks and will have to stop for this
time as I am nearly out of paper.

We are having swell weather now little frosty in the mornings only one little snow before

Write soon


Geo Barlow
Boring Ore
Page 5 (not included above) states: PS thanks for the receipt I know of two men that
need it. 
SIMPSON, Ernest Loren (I1524)
186 Josie Amanda Wederski
Sierra Vista Herald (AZ) - Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Josie (89) was born March 16, 1924, to Annabelle Boyd Rogers and Joseph Lafette Rogers in Kerriville, Texas.

Mom graduated from Rising Star High School in 1941, in Rising Star, Tex as. Shortly after high school, Mom went to work as a telephone operator and her first son, Reginald Wayne Beauford Rogers, was born on Feb. 27, 1 942.

Josie moved to Florida for a little while, moved back to Brownwood, Tex as, and decided to join the Army after not being able to find a job. Sh e continued in her field as a telephone operator clerk.

While serving in the Army at Fort Jackson, S.C., she met her husband George Robert Wederski.

Our parents, George and Josie got married on March 24, 1952.

Mom got out of the Army in 1952, and our parents moved to Winters, Texas, where they started their family: son, Robert Dennis on Sept. 8, 1953 ; son, Michael John on April 3, 1955, in Bryan, Texas; daughter, Jean V ictoria on June 16, 1957, in Fort Worth, Texas; and son, James Glenn on Sept. 11, 1960, in Brownsville, Texas.

Josie took pride in her home as a great and wonderful wife and loving m other. Josie was a very proud mother who loved and cared for her children very dearly.

Mom stayed at home a lot to raise her children, but that doesn't mean s he had an easy life. Mom was a survivor through all the hard times we h ad. She made the best of everything. Mom remained sweet and angelic throughout her whole life, even through her pain up to her death on Sept. 4 , 2013.

Josie was preceded in death by her parents, Annabelle and Joseph Rogers ; her former husband, George; son, Robert; son, James; brother, Floyd; and her grandson, Jason Wederski.

She is survived by her sons, Wayne Rogers and Mike Wederski; daughter, Jean Horn; grandkids, Corey, Joey and Rachael Rogers; grandsons, Jeremiah Wederski (Judy) and Samuel Doneson; great-grandkids, Jeremiah Jr. and Elizabeth Wederski, Crystal Doneson, Nicholas Perry Doneson, Nicholas Wederski and Amber Start Wederski.

The family of Josie Wederski would like to express the most heartful thanks to all the wonderful, hard working, dedicated, loving nurses, CNAs , dietary and the rest of staff of Life Care Center of Sierra Vista for t he last five years of taking care of Mom. Casa DeLaPaz Hospice and to all of Mom's family and friends who gave her all of their love and support.

Josie (Mom) always had a great big smile and hug for everyone. Mom had a great way about her to make everyone fall in love with her.

She was greatly loved and she will be greatly missed.

A Josie Amanda Wederski memorial will be held at Life Care Center of Sierra Vista, 2305 E. Willcox Drive, Friday, Sept. 20, 2013, at 2 p.m. in the dining room.

A special thanks goes out to Michelle Parker, activities director, for a ll her love, support and help with Mom's services, because without, it would not have been possible. It is most appreciated.

Also, the family would like to thank Ryan Jensen, funeral director at Hatfield Funeral Home for all his care, support and help of Mom.

Rest in peace Mom. We love you very much. Wayne, Mike, Jean and the rest of your family. 
ROGERS, Josie Amanda (I1058)
187 Kvinnherad Bygdebøk p. 223: "Ola, 1802-38, med bygsel I Inngjerde (75), kona var Anna Andersdotter". Translation: "Ola, 1802-38, with building in Inngjerde (75), his wife was Anna Andersdotter" LANDE, Ole Iversen (I2813)
188 1 JAN 1941 MCKENZIE, Rhoda Belle (I1420)
189 1 JAN 1949 CAMPBELL, Edna J (I1922)
190 1 JUL 1792 Family: David STANWOOD / Eunice WASGATT (F750)
191 1 JUN 1840, Males:
60 and under 70 - 1
15 and under 20 - 1
60 and under 70 - 1 
BURSLEY, Lemuel (I2449)
192 1 male > 45
1 female >45
Household = 2 
TIBBETTS, Nathaniel (I1053)
193 1 male under 16
1 male over 16
2 females
Total household = 4 
TIBBETTS, Nathaniel (I1053)
194 1 MAR 1990, St. Paul Ridge Cemetery TRIMPEY, Miles R (I1742)
195 10 JAN 1882, Mount Desert Street Cemetery LELAND, Huldah (I2344)
196 105 cm match to Suzanne Uphouse Mink HODGES, Carrilee (I2846)
197 11 DEC 1871, Mountain View Cemetery WASGATT, Zena (I2229)
198 11 NOV 1923, Stanley-Gilley Cemetery CAMPBELL, Benjamin S (I1783)
199 13 NOV 1848, Richardson Burying Ground ATHERTON, Benjamin (I2068)
200 13 SEP 1825, Wasgatt Cemetery CLARK, Mercy Higgins (I1771)

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