The Stanwood Family

From Colonial New England to Minnesota, learn about the Stanwoods and related families.


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
51 "3. Paaskedag på Husnes" 1755 LANDE, Lisbet Gabrielsdatter (I2823)
52 "a. 10 m." DAY, Moses (I2223)
53 "Abraham Thomas was a farmer and a member of the Maine legislature." (Old Hancock County Families) THOMAS, Abraham (I2669)
54 "Asa W. Bumps and his family removed from Milo and settled in this town April 24, 1824." Family: Asa W BUMPS / Mary TIBBETTS (F766)
55 "Asa W. Bumps with his family removed from this town to Brownsville January 1838." BUMPS, Asa W (I2534)
56 "Aunt Dee was quite a character. She married Melvin Charmasson when he was stationed here at Camp Bowie. They spent their (missing text) Woodward Oklahoma. She worked in the Fruit of Loom Factory immediately prior to her death. Uncle Melvin was a farmer and butcher. They had three children: Louise and twins Ima Jean and Eugene. We had lots of fun with them." (Written by Margaret Kimbrell Wood, 3 Aug 2010.) BUFORD, Mamie Dee (I340)
57 "Aunt Marie was married twice. She lived with Granny Buford at different times. She had two daughters: Nancy and Sue." (Written by Margaret Kimbrell Wood, 3 Aug 2010.) BUFORD, Miriam Marie (I1480)
58 "Boys Club" Head Loses Arrest Suit
H. G. Gravdahl Must Stand Cost of Litigation Against Police Officers.

On motion of the plaintiff, Judge H.D. Dickinson in district court late yesterday dismissed the $5,000 damage suit
"brought on a charge of alleged false arrest by H. G. Gravdahl, said by the police to have been proprietor of boys c lub where I. W. W. principleswere taught, against Capt. Ed Bevans, Thomas Dorr and Richard Kerr, police
officers. The dismissal means that Gravdahl will have to stand the cost of the litigation.

William G. Compton, assistant City attorney, asked that case be "dismissed with prejudice," but Judge Dickinson acted on the motion of Attorney T. K. Latimer, appearing for Gravdahl. Compton's motion would would have prevented Gravdahl at any time hereafter from resuming the suit
The dismissal, as decided by the court, means that Gravdahl must pay the expense of the present case before he can bring suit again at any time on the same allegations.

Gravdahl was taken into custody on January 20, when the police raided a clubhouse at 4004 1/2 Minnehaha avenue.
Gravdahl was then held by the police for an inquiry by the Department of Justice. The police alleged in a recent
hearing before city councilmen Gravdahl's place had been searched and much I. W. W. radical literature had been found. Later Gravdahl was released. Then he instituted suit
against the police officers, alleging false arrest. 
GRAVDAHL, Haldor Gustav (I896)
59 "Capt. A Fairbanks' Company, Lieut. Col. J. Stone's Regiment. From Sept. 11 to Sept. 25, 1814. Raised at Winthrop. Service at Wiscasset." DAY, Nathaniel (I336)
60 "Capt. A. Fairbanks' Company, Lieut. Col. J. Stone's Regiment. From Sept. 11 to Sept. 25, 1814. Raised at Winthrop. Service at Wiscasset." DAY, Moses (I1476)
61 "Chief of police Frank L White has in his possession a Colt revolver which he purchased from Frank J Wyman immediately after the celebrated bank robbery at this place. Mr. Wyman used it in his pursuit of the robbers, and considerable value is attached to the pistol as a relic. Mr. White also has a belt which goes with the pistol, and other accoutrements." WHITE, Frank L (I1740)
62 "Chief White has been under the weather for a few days. He is out again." WHITE, Frank L (I1740)
63 "Comfort Thomas lived on his father's farm; he was a farmer" (Old Hancock County Families). THOMAS, Comfort (I1640)
64 "Dom 21" Trinitatis, 1748 Family: Gabriel Østeinsen SÆBERG / Lisbet Larsdatter JOSNES (F938)
65 "Francis Day, born August 22, 1831, came form Maine in the early 1850's. He pre-empted 160 acres of Section 15 S.W. 1/4 on November 22, 1860.

"The first meeting for the purpose of forming a town board was held at the home of Francis Day on May 11, 1858. At this meeting he was elected as the first assessor of Plymouth township. It was decided also at this meeting that the name of the township would be Plymouth - taken from the name of a village laid out on the northwest shore of Parkers Lake in 1856." 
DAY, Francis (I256)
66 "Hart disease" BURSLEY, Benjamin (I80)
67 "He was a farmer and tanner, also a captain in the Colonial army and saw service in the early wars. He was the father of eight chil., the fourth of which was Nathaniel, b. Aug. 30, 1727, the founder of the Boothbay branch of this numerous family."

Event Memos from GEDCOM Import...

*New [WILL]
ICHABOD TIBBETTS 1746 DOVER In The Name of God Amen. The Thirtieth Day of December Anno Domini one Thousand Seven Hundred & forty Six, I Ichabod Tebbets of Dover in ye Province of New-Hampsr in New-England Husbandman, being Sick & Weak in Body
* * *
Imprimis, I Give & Bequeath to my Beloved Wife Patience Tebbets, whom I Constitute make & Ordain my Sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament, The Sole Use and Improve- ment of all my Homestead Land Lying & Being on y e Westerly Side of y e Road that leads along by y e Easterly End of my Dwelling House, together with y e Sole Use and Improvement of my s d Dwelling House & Barn or Barns, & all other Buildings, & orchard or orchards, & all Fruit Trees, & other Trees Standing or being upon y e s d Land, and all During y e Term of her Contin- uing my W 7 idow; but in Case She Shall marry again, then I give her only her Proper Dowry, as by Law Allowed ; and at y e Decease of my s d Wife, or at y e time of her marrying again I Give all y e aforementioned Premisses to my son James Tebbets & to his Heirs & Assigns for ever. I also Give to my s d Wife all my Stock of Cattle Sheep & Swine, Excepting one Yoke of Steers, now Coming in four Years of Age, which I Give to my
Pg 420
Son Nathll Tebbets, I also Give to my sd Wife all my Tools Utencels & Farming Tackling as Carts Sleds Yoks Chains Axes Hoes Sythes &c: Excepting one Yoke Bows & Tackling belonging unto it, viz: y e Yoke in which ye above sd Steers have Commonly Wrought, which I Give to my sd Son Nathll Tebbets. I also Give to my sd Wife all my Household Goods, as Beds, Beding and Lyning, Puter, Brass, Iron &c: Except Such Puter as did Belong to my former Wife, which I Give to my Daughter Judith Pinkum, and my Wareing Apparrel which I Give to my Two Sons aforementioned Nathll & James to be equally Divided between them.
Item I Give to my sd Son Nathanael Tebbets his Heirs & Assigns all my Land Lying on ye Easterly Side of ye aforesd Road over against my sd Dwelling House, together with my Tan-vats in sd Land, and all my Right Title & Interest in the Land at Nocks Marsh, So Called; & allso ye Yoke of Steers, and Yoke belonging to them, as above mentioned, & ye one half of my wareing apperrel, as abovesd
Item I Give to my sd Daughter Judith Pinkum all ye Puter which did properly belong to my former Wife, her mother as abovesd and also Ten Pounds in Cash old Tenor, to be Paid her by my sd Son Nathll Tebbets, within ye Term of one Year after my Decease.
Item I Give to my sd Son James Tebbets his Heirs & Assigns, at the Decease of my sd Wife, or in case She Shall marry again then at ye time of her marriage, all ye Land Buildings & orchards Fruit Trees & all other Trees, which I have in & by this my last Will Given to my Wife During ye Term of her Continuing my Widow, & also ye one half of my waring Apparrel as abovesaid.
Item I Give to my Three Daughters, viz: Rebeckah, Ann and Martha Tebbets Thirty Pounds, old Tenor, that is to Say Ten Pounds to Each of them, to be Paid them by my sd Son James Tebbets within ye Term of one Year, after ye Estate I have in this my last Will Given him, Shall by virtue hereof Come into his Possession & Improvement. And I do hereby utterly Dis-
Pg 421
sallow & Disannul all & every other former Wills Legacies & Executors, by me in any wayes made Will'd or Named, Ratifying & Confirming this & no other to be my last Will & Testament, In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal the Day & Year above written.
Signed Sealed Pronounced Ichabod Tebbets & Declared by ye sd Ichabod Tebbets as his last Will & Testament in ye Presence of us
Jon a Cushing
Nathael austin
Thomas Miller
[Proved Feb. 25, 1746/7.] [Inventory, July 21, 1747; amount, £2892.15.0; signed by John Wood and Stephen Roberts.] [Account of the settlement of the estate; receipts, £3090.19.0; expenditures, £275.4.0; signed by Patience Tibbetts; claims against the estate, £535.6.0; license granted to sell real estate.]
[Account of additional expenses by Patience Pooler, executrix, formerly widow of the deceased; amount, £78.0.0; mentions charge for time of Humphrey Pooler and wife; also maintenance of three children, one, one year, another, three years, and another, five years and a half.]
[Guardianship of Nathaniel Tibbetts, minor, son of Ichabod Tibbetts, granted to Joseph Austin of Dover, yeoman, March 25. 1749-] 
TIBBETTS, Ichabod (I255)
68 "He was a tanner and farmer, and a captain in the Colonial army....They had nine children." TIBBETTS, Samuel (I780)
69 "If I remember correctly, Uncle Tink also worked for an oil company. He and Aunt Dixie lived in Abilene for
as long as I can remember. They had two children; Betty and Altus. Altus had a lot of problems and was killed
while working on the construction of a building at Hendrick Hospital in Abilene. Betty is still alive and lives in Waco. She is retired, having worked in education. She has all kinds of degrees and looks just like her father (body and facial). Uncle Tink and Aunt Dixie argued continually and she could curse like a sailor. We were always about half afraid of her although Mother always made us go outside when they were around. My Father said that the night he proposed to Mother Aunt Dixie and Uncle Tink were fighting. Mother visited them and then Aunt Dixie after he died." (Written by Margaret Kimbrell Wood, 3 Aug 2010.) 
BUFORD, Altus Luther (I2710)
70 "It is impossible to say positively who was the first settler in our town; but it is recorded, that in 1761, Joseph Basteen, Paul and Caleb Bowden, John corner, John Grindle, Archibald Haney, Thomas Wescott and Israel Veazie were here and had built themselves houses and were engaged in cultivating the soil and in fishing." WASGATT, Thomas (I1977)
71 "Jacob S. Thomas was a shipwright and a member of the Maine legislature." (Old Hancock County Families) THOMAS, Jacob S (I299)
72 "John Howland came to New England aboard the Mayflower in 1620 as servant to John Carver. The Carvers died in 1621 and John was presumably freed from service at that time. He was a freeman of Plymouth in 1633 and served the colony in several important capacities, including assistant governor, deputy and as head of the Kennebec trading post. His wife, Elizabeth Tilley, came over with her parents on the Mayflower  as well, and was left an orphan after the first winter." ( HOWLAND, John (I903)
73 "John Howland was a tolerant man. He warned his Quaker uncle, Arthur Howland, that the constables were on their way to arrest him for his non-conformist thinking. For this action, John was summoned before the General Court." (John Howland of the Mayflower, Vol. 2, p18) HOWLAND, John (I247)
74 "Joseph and his wife, Ellen, settled on the farm located south of the Perkinsville Road and east of the Town Hall Road - the Matt Roehl farm (1953). Seven children were born to them: John Amos...Albert Warren...Elmer Loren...Elizada Bell...Elizabeth Julia...Frank Archie...West, who died in his youth - December 29, 1888.

"Joseph worked on his farm and owned a steam thrasher with which he did harvesting for neighboring farmers. He also did carpentry - being one of those who helped to build the Parkers Lake Church, which burned on November 15, 1947.

"It was very interesting to hear him tell of the many hunting trips he took with his sons. They hunted deer, wolf, fox and other animals. Whenever the boys got together, they would reminisce on the fun they had had. His wife, Ellen, was a great help to many neighbors, caring for sick and helping in many ways. She passed away April 13, 1918.

"In March of 1919, Joseph sold his farm and with his daughter, Elizabeth moved to Wayzata, where he lived with his other daughter, Mrs. G. L. Lamb, until his death on October 21, 1922. This is all that is known presently of the original family of Nathaniel Day." 
DAY, Joseph Warren (I1215)
75 "Last of Last mo", ____, 1652 STANWOOD, John (I1957)
76 "Lung Fever”: Mrs. W.H. Orrock received the sad intelligence this week of the severe illness of her sister, Mrs. A.J. Stanwood, who has lung fever at her home at Floodwood. Mrs. Stanwood is well known here, having resided in Santiago several years ago. BURSLEY, Martha Eliza (I2610)
77 "Mary, wid., palsy, Oct 13, 1802, a. 85 y." CALDWELL, Mary (I831)
78 "Mrs. May Duke of Mississippi is here for an indefinite stay with her sister, Mrs. Annie Buford, and is planning to make her home here." REASONS, Annie Vera (I521)
79 "Nathaniel Jr., when a young lad, went to war as a drummer boy. One day he was hit by a spent bullet right over the heart. His suspender buckled (sic) shielded him from injury. He lived for many years in Minneapolis working in the lumbering business. In later years he bought a home at Sandstone, Minnesota where he lived until his health started to fail. He passed away at his brother, Joseph's home, on August 24, 1915." DAY, Nathaniel Jr (I690)
80 "Nathaniel Tibbetts....of Boothbay, Maine, born in Dover Neck 30 Aug. 1727, died in Boothbay. He married Elizabeth (or Abigail) Giles. IN Green's Hist. Boothbay, p. 636, her name is given as Elizabeth. It is given as Abigail, born 24 Dec. 1729, in Nathaniel's family Bible which is now in possession of descendants.

"He settled at Townsend (Boothbay), Maine, about 1759 and was founder of the Boothbay branch of the family (Maine Genealogy, vol. 2, p. 956). He built a log cabin in what is known as the 'Dover District' at Back Narrows, an arm of the Sheepscot Bay. This peninsula and Barter's Island were first settled by some 47 or 48 families, mostly young when they came from the region of Dover, N.H., hence the name.

"He later moved further north and built where his Giles afterward lived. He signed petition of the first settlers at Townsend (Boothbay), dated 31 Jan. 1764. All maps of this region show Tibbets Island, which was named for him."

Nathaniel Tibbetts born 1727 is often confused with Nathaniel Tibbetts of Woolwich, who was born in 1740. It is the latter who served in the Revolutionary War and named Lieutenant. To add to the confusion, Lt. Tibbett's researchers also mixed the two men. When the headstone was placed on Lt. Tibbetts' grave, it was inscribed with the birthdate of 30 Aug 1727, the date of birth of our ancestor, NOT the Lieutenant.

Event Memos from GEDCOM Import...

Sale 100 pounds, Know all men by these presents that I Nathaniel Tibbets of Boothbay in the County of Lincoln and province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, yeoman, for and in consideration of one hundred pounds lawful money of the province before said to me in hand before the ensealing hereof well and truly paid by Andrew McFarland of Boothbay aforesaid, gentlemen, the receipt where of I do hereby acknowledge and myself air with fully satisfied and contented, And there of and every part and parcel thereof do exonerate acquit and discharge the said Andrew McFarland his errors and administrators for whereby their presents, Have given, granted, bargained, sold, administered, conveyed and confirmed, And by these presents do freely, fully and absolutely give, Grant, bargain, sell, aliene (sic), convey and confirm unto him the said Andrew McFarland his heirs and assigns for ever, a certain tract or parcel of land situate in Boothbay the westerly side of the back river so called, founded as followeth, to wit, beginning at a pine tree on the bank of the said river, being the north East bounds of Mr. Thomas Kenny's lot that he now dwells on, from said tree running northerly by said sure to contain 80 rods front on said river and then to extend back both southerly and northerly line of said lot a west course to contain one hundred and thirty acres more for less, founded as aforesaid, being in the lot that these said Tibbets now dwells on. To have and to hold these said granted or bargained promises with all the appurtenances privileges and commodities to the same belongings or in any wise appertaining to him the said Andrew McFarland his heirs and assigns for ever. To his and they're only proper benefit and behoof for ever. And I the said Nathaniel Tebbets for my self my heirs, executors and administrators do covenant and Grant to and with the said Andrew McFarland his heirs and assigns, that before the ensealing hereof I am the true sole and lawful owner of the above bargained promises and lawfully seized and possessed of these seen in my own proper right as a good perfect and absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple. I have in my self good right, full power and lawful authority to grant bargain & sell the same in manner as aforesaid; and that the said Andrew McFarland his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force and virtue of these presents lawfully, peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said demised and bargained promises with the appurtenances free & clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all and all manner of other gifts grants bargains, sales, leases, Mortgages, wills, entails, jointures, Dowries, Judgments Executions or Incumbrances of what name or nature forever, that might in any measure or degree obstruct or make void this present deed furthermore I the said Nathaniel Tibbets for my self my errors executors and administrators do covenant and engage to warrant the above demise premises to him the said Andrew McFarland his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims or demands of any person or persons whatsoever forever here after to warrant securer and defend the same by these presents.In witness where of I have here unto set my hand and seal this fourtheenth day of April in the twelfth year of his Majesty's reign, annoque Domini 1772 Nathaniel Tibbets & a seal. Signed sealed & Delivered in presence of Edwd Emerson This BoydLincoln Fs Boothbay April 14th 1772 The above named Nathaniel Tibbets personally appeared & acknowledged the before going Instrument to be his free act & deed Before me, Tho Goldihwait Just. o’peaceLincoln fs April 22d 1772 Recd & accordingly entered and examined by Jona Boniman Reg 
TIBBETTS, Nathaniel (I1053)
81 "Old Hancock County Families" states that John was a ship carpenter and farmer. THOMAS, John (I1732)
82 "Record of deeds, 1795-1902; index to deeds, 1795-1949". Database. FamilySearch. FamilySearch. Source (S834)
83 "Records of Provincetown, Massachusetts 1698-1859". Database. New England Historic and Genealogical Society. AmericanAncestors. : accessed 30 May 2011. Source (S841)
84 "Records of the First Church of Berwick, Maine," The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 82, October 1928. images online. American Ancestors. : accessed 24 November 2011. Source (S960)
85 "Revolutionary War Pensions". Database. Fold3. Source (S696)
86 "RootsWeb". Database. Source (S487)
87 "SAB, Fjelberg Sokneprestembete, H / Haa: Ministerialbok nr. A 5, 1822-1834". Database. The National Archives of Norway. Digitalarchivet. Source (S457)
88 "SAB, Fjelberg Sokneprestembete, H/Haa: Parish register (official) no. A 6, 1835-1851,". Database. The National Archives of Norway. Digitalarchivet. Source (S943)
89 "SAB, Fjelberg Sokneprestembete, H/Haa: Parish register (official) no. C 1, 1879-1918". Database. Digitalarkivet. Digitalarkivet. Source (S918)
90 "SAB, Fjelberg Sokneprestembete, H/Hab: Klokkerbok nr. B 3, 1868-1888". Database. Digitalarkivet. Source (S431)
91 "Sarah and Edward Hughes spent their entire lives on the farm home now part of which is owned by a grandson, John Eastman (1953)." DAY, Sarah H (I75)
92 "Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997". Database. FamilySearch. Source (S469)
93 "Texas Divorce Records, 1968 to 2008". Database. : accessed 12 April 2011. Source (S727)
94 "Texas Marriage Records, 1966-2008". Database. : accessed 12 April 2011. Source (S788)
95 "Texas, County Marriage Records, 1837-1965". Database. FamilySearch. Source (S421)
96 "Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982". Database. Source (S759)
97 "Texas, World War I Records, 1917-1920". Database. FamilySearch. Source (S1030)
98 "The Day Family," The Plymouth (Minnesota) Historical Society newsletter, December 2001. Gates, Helen images online. Plymouth Historical Society. Source (S798)
99 "The Essex Antiquarian". Database. New England Historic andGenealogical Society. AmericanAncestors. Source (S757)
100 "The Mayflower Descendant". Database. New England Historic and Genealogical Society. AmericanAncestors. Source (S280)

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