The Stanwood Family

From Colonial New England to Minnesota, learn about the Stanwoods and related families.


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 #   Notes   Linked to 
751 Lemuel Bursley [Jr] obituary; see notes for transcription BURSLEY, Elizabeth G (I2267)
752 Letter from neice Pearl delivered to Veteran's Administration Branch in Los Angeles. UPHOUSE, Charles Madison (I2441)
753 Letter to Editor, Editor News: - I wish to correct a report through the columns of your paper. It seems to be the opinion of a good many farmers that I discharged Mr. Stanwood who was doing my threshing and would not let him finish my job on complaint that he wasted the grain. I did not and am perfectly satisfied with the work his machine did and expect him back to finish my threshing this week. Mr. Stanwood is a competent thresher, and, while I am not, I know whether my grain was wasted or not. He threshed eight acres of flax for me and got eighteen bushels per acre and they took only two per cent for dirt at the elevator. He also threshed five acres of oats which yielded fifty-four bushels per acre so I don't think very much went in the straw.-N.S. Canedy. STANWOOD, Albert Jerome (I2622)
754 Libby Effie R, smstrs, b 1026 23rd av n e. LIBBY, Effie (I2262)
755 Lieut. Charles Uphouse, better known as “Bones,” was up from Davenport the Fourth. Charley was a member of old H Co., and went to the border enlisting in the regular army, working his way up to his present rank. At one time, Charley was employed at the old Independent office. UPHOUSE, Charles Madison (I2441)
756 Like the late Cordelia Stanwood, pioneer ornithologist of Elsworth, Maine, I too have been especially interested in our common ancestor, Martha Bradstreet. Thanks to Cordelia's 1929 article written in the Lewiston Journal, we have been provided a glimpse into the life of Martha:

"That Martha Bradstreet, the wife of Job Stanwood, was unusually well educated was a matter frequently referred to by her descendants. My grandmother, Mrs. Solomon Stanwood, related that the neighbors described Mrs. Job Stanwood not only as a woman with an uncommonly good education but they declared that she even wrote poetry.

"That Job appreciated these qualities in his wife is evident from the fact that he quoted her wise sayings and referred to her good judgment so frequently as to excite the smiles of the neighbors. Many trifles point to a wise and sweet disposition in Martha. For instance, I notice that the first daughter is named Hannah Byles for the young wife who died at the age of twenty-four years.

"Another indication of her tact is seen in her naming the second child for Job himself. Further wisdom may be observed in the naming of their third child, Samuel, for the boy who listened for the commands of the Lord. Even then they were considering founding a new home in the wilderness, a man with one arm and wretched health, with a wife and family for to provide. But I fancy that even the capable Martha had her moments of discouragement and that when she was far away from her old home at times her heart cried out for her people. Undoubtedly it was at such times that she solaced herself by naming the one son Benjamin Bradstreet and another Humphrey Bradstreet." 
BRADSTREET, Martha (I1221)
757 Lincoln Center Cemetery (Lincoln Center, Penobscot County, Maine); At Military Road (Route 2) and Town Farm Road. Grave markers. Source (S384)
758 List of church membership clearly drafted after Mabel’s birth, as date of membership precedes date of birth. VELAND, Mabel Amelia (I1988)
759 Listed as pauper WHITE, Samuel (I2697)
760 Listing for "Martha Veland"; however, this is a year before Margaret was born. Perhaps it is the same child (and our DOB is incorrect), or there was a Martha that died. The former seems most likely. VELAND, Margaret Sophia (I848)
761 Lived in the Emery district with her husband who was a house house carpenter (Old Hancock County Families). THOMAS, Hannah (I2255)
762 Locke, Susan A. (Simpson) (Oregon) to "Ernest L. Simpson (inferred)" (brother). Letter. n.d.. Privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Newark, Delaware. 2016. Source (S773)
763 Locust Grove Cemetery EMERY, Freeman (I1418)
764 Loring, Lucy (Whitten) to "Harriet" (neice). Letter. 1 November 1956. Privately held by Nora Quinn, Augusta, Maine. 2016. Source (S1004)
765 Lost at sea WASGATT, Daniel (I1962)
766 Lot 1, Section 132, Block Veteran's Garden VELAND, Julia Christine (I72)
767 Lot 88 Mortgage, Know all men by these presents, that I Nathaniel Tibbets of New Sharon in the county of Kennebec, yeoman, in consideration of three hundred dollars to me in hand paid by Pitt Dillingham of Augusta in the county of Kennebec aforesaid, gentleman, (the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge) do hereby give, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Pitt Dillingham his heirs & assigns a certain tract or parcel of land lying New Sharon aforesaid & being on the west side Sandy river lot number eight eight on a plan made by Ephraim Ballard, surveyor, reference to said plan & survey being had with more fully appear it being the same lot on which my family now live in Newsharon & keep a ferry containing one hundred acres be the same more or less.To have and to hold the same to him the said Pitt Dillingham his heirs and assigns forever.  And I do furthermore appear with the said Dillingham his heirs that I am lawfully seized in fee of the premises; that they are free of all encumbrances; that I have good right to sell the same.  I will warrant and defend the same to him the said Pitt Gillingham his heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons; whomsoever.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven.  Nathaniel Tibbets (seal)
Signs, sealed, and delivered in presence of us, Thomas Johnson, Eben Taylor
Kennebec ss.  Dec. 4 1807 The above named Nathaniel Tibbets personally appeared and acknowledged this instrument by him subscribed to be his free act and deed, before me,Solo Nose, Jusice of Peace
Kennebec, ss. Received December 4 1807 , entered and compared with the original. 
TIBBETTS, Rev Nathaniel (I1596)
768 Lot 88 Purchase, Know all men by these presents that I Pitt Dillingham of Augusta in the county of Kennebec Gentleman in consideration of dollar to me in hand paid by Nathaniel Tibbets of New Sharon in said county yeoman, the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge do hereby for my self and my heirs remise release and forever quit claim unto the said Nathaniel Tibbets his heirs and assigns, all my right and title to a certain tract on parcel of land lying in New Sharon in said county of Kennebec, and being on west side Sandy River lot  lot numbered eighty-eight on a plan made by Ephraim Ballard surveyor reference to said plan and survey being _______.  to have to hold the same with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof to him the said Nathaniel Tibbets his heirs and assigns forever.  In _____ whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven.  Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Jacob Baylord.Pitt DillinghamKennebec __ January 22 1811Then the above named Pitt Dillingham personally appeared and acknowledged the foregoing instrument by him submitted to be his free act and deed before me. Samuel ______ Justice of the PeaceKennebec __ Rec’d June 3 1818 entered and composed with the original by John Harvey Register. TIBBETTS, Rev Nathaniel (I1596)
769 Lot originally deeded to Thomas Wasgatt by Degregoire. Family: Thomas WASGATT / Hannah THOMAS (F126)
770 Lots One and Four of Block Seven in Cutler's Addition Family: Chauncey E MCMASTER / Mary Elizabeth STANWOOD (F780)
771 Lots One and Four of Block Seven of Cutlers Addition Family: David W STANWOOD / Caroline E WHITE (F30)
772 lung cancer ANHORN, Patricia Joan (I203)
773 Lung cancer ROGERS, Joseph Lafayette (I1672)
774 M.G. Simpson was badly injured by a fall Monday evening. The accident resulted in a compound fracture of the bone above his ankle, and it will probably be many weeks before he will have the use of his limb again. The unfortunate accident hqappened at his veterinary stable just east of his home. He had been up in the mow to hay the horses and in coming down the stairs he slipped and fell two or three steps, and when his foot struck the floor the bone snapped, and his foot turned sideways. Both bones were broken and the ligaments badly torn. The injury is very painful, but the Doc is now getting along nicely and will have to stay in the house long enough to give the bone and ligaments time to mend. SIMPSON, Dr. George Mayel (I1280)
775 Made freeman 31 March 1674 DAY, James (I13)
776 Mahieu Family Files. Privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Newark, Delaware. Source (S1018)
777 Mahieu family papers, original received in 2014 from Suzanne Uphouse Handa Mink; now privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE] Newark, Delaware., Amanda Veland Cordes Funeral Card, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, citing death 10 Nov 1859;. Source (S519)
778 Mahieu Family Papers. Privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Newark, Delaware. Source (S449)
779 Mahieu Family Papers. Privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Newark, DE 19711. Source (S81)
780 Mahieu Family Papers. Privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Newark, Delaware 19711. Source (S889)
781 Mahieu Family Papers. Privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Newark, Delaware. Source (S459)
782 Mahieu Family Papers. Privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Newark, Delaware. Source (S738)
783 Mahieu Family Papers. Privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Newark, Delaware. Source (S850)
784 Maine. Franklin County. Deeds. Source (S572)
785 Maine. Franklin. Farmington. Farmington Records. Family History Library, Farmington. Town and vital records, 1794-1892. Source (S1025)
786 Maine. Franklin. New Sharon. Town and Vital Records, 1806-1891. New Sharon, Maine, Town and Vital Records, 1806-1891. Source (S252)
787 Maine. Hancock County. Deeds. Digital images. Hancock County Registry of Deeds. Source (S8)
788 Maine. Hancock. Bar Harbor. abstracted vital records. Source (S417)
789 Maine. Hancock. Bar Harbor. Town and Vital Records 1796-1891. Town and Vital Records 1796-1891. Source (S83)
790 Maine. Kennebec County. Deed books. Source (S993)
791 Maine. Kennebec County. Deeds. Digital images. Maine Registry of Deeds. Source (S739)
792 Maine. Kennebec. Augusta. Vital records, 1796-1891. Augusta, Maine, Vital records, 1796-1891. Source (S468)
793 Maine. Kennebec. Manchester. Vital Records, 1808-1908. Manchester, Maine, Vital Records, 1808-1908. Source (S754)
794 Maine. Kennebec. Supreme Judicial Court docket, v. 1, Jul 1799-Sep 1804. Maine State Archives, Augusta, Maine. Digital images. FamilySearch. FamilySearch. Source (S787)
795 Maine. Penobscot. Chester. unnumbered small record book. Source (S581)
796 Maine. Piscataquis County. Deed books. Source (S818)
797 Maine. Somerset. Embden. Town and Vital Records 1804-1892. FHL microfilm 10,846. Source (S187)
798 Maine. Somerset. Starks. Clerk's Town Meeting Records Vol. 1 1795 to 1825. Starks Historical Society, Starks, Maine. Digital images. Starks Historical Society. Starks, Maine. Source (S174)
799 Maine. Somerset. Starks. Town and Vital Records, 1830-1887. Starks, Maine, Town and Vital Records, 1830-1887. Source (S121)
800 Males
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BURSLEY, Lemuel (I2449)

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