The Stanwood Family

From Colonial New England to Minnesota, learn about the Stanwoods and related families.


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 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
951 S470 Norway, "Church book from Fusa parish 1855-1879 (1241P)"
952 S952 Norway, "Church book from Fusa parish 1855-1879 (1241P)"
953 S1014 Norway, "Church book from Fusa parish, Strandvik local parish 1861-1885 (1241P) Church book from Fusa parish, Strandvik local parish 1861-1885 (1241P) "
954 S876 Norway, "SAB, Fjelberg Sokneprestembete, H / Haa: Ministerialbok nr. A 5, 1822-1834"
955 S255 Old Burying Ground (Ipswich, Massachusetts), Grave Markers
956 S800 Olson, Oscar G., Letter to Elmer J. Veland, 22 June 1967
957 S704 Owatonna Public Library, "Dalby Database"
958 S269 p. 43, John Day; Muster Rolls of the Revolutionary War, v. 18, roll 14, microfilm SC1/57X, Massachusetts State Archives, Boston., Thomas Cummings’ Company pay roll, 9 October 1779
959 S1054 Patricia Uphouse to Goldie Edwards, 6 September 1960, Downey, Calf..
960 S1725 Patty Goff, USGenWeb Archives ( : accessed ), .
961 S589 Pelletier, DanaRae , Compiler, South Winn Cemetery
962 S656 Pelletier, DanaRae, Compiler, Enfield Maine Town Records
963 S542 Pelletier, DanaRae, Compiler, Lincoln Center Cemetery
964 S746 Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Death Certificate
965 S998 Pennsylvania, Somerset, Assessment Rolls, 1795-1879 Assessment rolls, 1795-1879
966 S258 Pennsylvania, Somerset, Deeds
967 S936 Pennsylvania, Somerset, Index of Deaths Register 1853-1908
968 S28 Pennsylvania, Somerset, Naturalization
969 S262 Penobscot County, Maine, Deeds, 260:121, J.A. Custhing to B. Stanwood, 6 Aug 1855; images online, Penobscot County Register of Deeds ( : accessed 19 April 2011)
970 S282 Penobscot County, Maine, Deeds, 260:122, Benjamin Stanwood to Timothy Fuller, 25 Aug 1855; images online, Penobscot County Register of Deeds ( : accessed 19 April 2011)
971 S639 Penobscot County, Maine, Deeds, 260:196-197, Benjamin Stanwood to Oliver Frost, 26 Dec 1844; images online, Penobscot County Register of Deeds ( : accessed 03 July 2011)
972 S233 Penobscot County, Maine, Deeds, 281:24-25, Nathaniel Swett Benjamin Stanwood to Timothy Fuller, 29 May 1857; Penobscot County Register of Deeds ( : accessed 19 April 2011)
973 S670 Penobscot County, Maine, Deeds, 306:353, Timothy Fuller to C. L. Brag and Wm. B. Hayford, 12 October 1860; Registry of Deeds, Bangor
974 S355 Penobscot County, Maine, estate of Bridget Stanwood, 7 June 1882, Probate Court, Bangor
975 S393 Philip Howard Gray, Penobscot Pioneers, Vol. 6: Lawrence, Michaels, Perry, Wescott (Name: Picton Press; Location: Camden, Maine; Date: 1996;)
976 S367 Phillipstown, York County, Maine, deed, John Frost to Thomas Westgatt, Buys messuage, lot 16, 8 August 1751, 30:136, York County Registry of Deeds, Alfred
977 S427 Phillipstown, York County, Maine, deed, Robert Miller to Thomas Wasgatt, messuage and tract of land, 14 November 1755, 34:116, York County Registry of Deeds, Alfred
978 S767 Phillipstown, York County, Maine, deed, Thomas Wasgatt testifies regarding John Stanyon's home, 31 March 1759, 35:222, York County Registry of Deeds, Alfred
979 S911 Phillipstown, York County, Maine, deed, Thomas Wasgatt to John Frost, lot 16 in Phillips Town, 3 March 1753, 30:246, York County Registry of Deeds, Alfred
980 S942 Picton Press, "Early Records of the Plantation of Mt. Desert, ME,", (compact disc, images of transcribed manuscript, 2005, original manuscript held at Bar Harbor Historical Society, Bar Harbor, ME): (Name: FHL microfilm Picton's Original Record Series, Town of Bar Harbor 1726-1896, CD 3;)
981 S824 Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park and Cemetery (Hollywood, California) to Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Cemetery map, 2010
982 S279 Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park and Cemetery (North Hollywod, California: 10261 Victory Blvd.), gravemarker for "Julia C. Uphouse (1896-1961)," photograph, Lauren Rogers Mahieu, 10 January 2010, Compiler
983 S672 Pilgrim notes and queries, 1:6, 1913
984 S150 Probate Record of Humphrey Bradstreet of Ipswich,, Essex County, MA Probate Records, 1635-1881 (transcribed) ( database, Citing Essex county, Massachusetts Probate Records, 1635-1681
985 S512 Probate Records of the Province of New Hampshire: 1750-1754, New Hampshire: State of New Hampshire, 1933
986 S1474 Prof. N. H. Winchell, Rev. Edward D. Neill, J. Fletcher Williams, and Charles S. Bryant, History of the Upper Mississippi Valley: Containing the Geology of the Upper Mississippi and Saint Louis Valleys, Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota, Outlines of the History of Minnesota, and State Education (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Minnesota Historical Company, 1881), ; images online, Google Books ( : accessed .
987 S915 Records and files of the Quarterly courts of Essex county, Massachusetts, 9 vols., 1911-1975
988 S722 Records of First Church 1739-1805 and South Church Records 1747-1848 (IHS microfilm 4)
989 S316 Records of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia Called Out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a Threatened Invasion during the War of 1812-1814, Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co. State Printers, 1913
990 S371 Regional State Archives in Bergen, "Church book from Fjelberg parish 1788-1815 (1213P)"
991 S161 Reminiscences and early history of old Peru, 1913
992 S1449 Rev. Harvey Hostetler D.D., Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler, the immigrant of 1736 (Elgin, Illinois: Brethren Publishing House, 1912), ; images online, Google Books ( : accessed .
993 S1459 Rev. Rufus Emery, compiler, Genealogical records of descendants of John and Anthony Emery, of Newbury, Massachusetts, 1590-1890 (Salem, Massachusetts: The Salem Press Publishing and Printing Company, 1891), ; images online, Google Books ( : accessed .
994 S949 Rice County, Minnesota, death card n.n. (1905), Achsa R. Simpson, Minnesota Historical Society Library, St. Paul, MN
995 S708 Rice County, Minnesota, Marriage records
996 S1467 Richard M. Bayles, History of Providence County, Rhode Island, Vol. I - II (New York: W. W. Preston & Co., 1891), ; images online, Google Books ( : accessed .
997 S1475 Richard M. Bayles, History of Windham, Connecticut, vol. 2 (New York: W. W. Preston & Co., 1889), ; images online, Internet Archive ( : accessed .
998 S1568 Ringgold County, Iowa, Iowa, Ringgold County, divorce records, 1893-1911, ; ; Ringgold County, Iowa, Clerk of District Court, ; FHL microfilm 103058600.
999 S1454 Robert Charles Anderson, George Freeman Sanborn, and Melinde Lutz Sanborn, The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England, 1634-1634, Vol. 1, A-B (New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999), ; images online, AmericanAncestors ( : accessed .
1000 S635 Rogers, Lauren, Funeral book and memorial card for Julia C. Uphouse

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