Sources |
- [S1202] CENSUS: U.S., 1850 Maine, Penosbcot, West Indian Township; p. 374B; dwelling 374, family 382; Calvin and Betsey Stanwood, with Henry, Hannah E., George F., Clara, Isabel and Florence Stanwood; 3 May 2015.
- [S1217] CENSUS: U.S., 1860 Maine, Penobscot, Woodville; p. 11; dwelling 73, family 73; Woodville, John C. and Mary J. Scott with ch. Francis U, Columbia, America, Bradford, Augusta S., Clara Colbath and Sarah J Colbath; 3 May 2015.
- [S1217] CENSUS: U.S., 1860 Maine, Penobscot, Woodville; p. 10; dwelling 71, family 71; Woodville, Calvin & Betsy Stanwood, with ch. Henry [Thomas], Hannah W., Geo. F., Clara C, Isabel, Florence, Eva and William W.; 27 April 2010.
- [S1411] Civil War Pension Files, Calvin Stanwood, fatherÂ’'s pension application, no. 288,498, certificate no. 198,917, service of George F. Stanwood (Pvt. Co. A, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery).
- [S1592] DB: Case Files of Approved Pension Applications of Widows and Other Depend ents of Civil War Veterans, ca. 1861 - ca. 1910, 1 January 2013; entry for George H Colbath, minor.
Citing NARA Case Files of Approved Pension Applications of Widows and Other Veterans of the Army and Navy Who Served Mainly in the Civil War and the War With Spain, compiled 1861 - 1934