The Stanwood Family

From Colonial New England to Minnesota, learn about the Stanwoods and related families.

Dr. George Mayel SIMPSON

Dr. George Mayel SIMPSON

Male 1850 - 1925  (74 years)

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  • Name George Mayel SIMPSON 
    Title Dr. 
    Birth 29 Jun 1850  Hopkinton, Saint Lawrence, New York, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    Gender Male 
    Census 2 Jul 1860  Stockholm, Saint Lawrence, New York, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Census Jul 1870  Weston, Clark, Wisconsin, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1 Jun 1875  Beaver, Clark, Wisconsin, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Census 14 Jun 1880  Lincoln Township, Calhoun, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1895  Eagle Grove, Wright, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    News 9 Feb 1900  Newell, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    • Wm. Conley informs us that Dr. Simpson, the veterinary surgeon of Fonda, performed a difficult and successful operation on a mare owned by D. L. Power Tuesday. The mare had been in Mr. Conley's barn for some time, being treated for a bad cut resulting from a kick by another horse. She had evidently been eating cobs, one of which became lodged in her throat. When discovered by Mr. Conley she was in imminent danger of being choked to death. He sent for Dr. Simpson, who came up and by the yuse instruments pushed the cob down the mare's throat into her stomach, saving her life. Dr. Simpson is a veterinary surgeon who understands his business, and is very successful in difficult operations of this kind.
    Census 1 Jun 1900  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    Cedar Township 
    News 20 Sep 1900  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [8
    • H. Sisco and wife, of Newburg, Jasper counter, visited their nephew, Dr. Simpson, of this city, last week.
    News 28 Feb 1901  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [9
    • Dr. Simpson, who recently passed an examination required by law as veterinary surgeon, received his diploma last week. The law requires that every person offering his services as veterinary shall pass the required examination, and to practice without doing so is to lay one liable to a heavy fine. This does aweay with a large number of "hoss doctors," and protects the people from quack horse doctors.
    News 30 May 1902  Dakota City, Humboldt, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [10
    News 26 Mar 1903  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [11
    • Misses Pearl and Jessie Simpson, of West Superior, arrived her Tuesday to visit at the home of their uncle, Dr. Simpson. The visit was a suprise, and doubly so as the last time Dr. Simpson saw his nieces they were babies. They are daughters of his oldest brother whom he has not seen for eighteen years.
    Census 1905  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    News 25 May 1905  Pocahontas, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [12
    • Mrs. G R Reniff vs M G Simpson defendant defaulted judgment for plaintiff.

      Fonda Publishing & Printing Co vs M G Simpson defendants defaulted, judgment in favor of plaintiff.
    News 26 Jul 1906  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [13
    • M.G. Simpson was badly injured by a fall Monday evening. The accident resulted in a compound fracture of the bone above his ankle, and it will probably be many weeks before he will have the use of his limb again. The unfortunate accident hqappened at his veterinary stable just east of his home. He had been up in the mow to hay the horses and in coming down the stairs he slipped and fell two or three steps, and when his foot struck the floor the bone snapped, and his foot turned sideways. Both bones were broken and the ligaments badly torn. The injury is very painful, but the Doc is now getting along nicely and will have to stay in the house long enough to give the bone and ligaments time to mend.
    News 10 Jul 1913  Newell, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [14
    • Dr. M. G. Simpson, veterinary surgeon, has been suffering severely the past two weeks from a cut on his left hand which has practically disabled the hand. The cut was to the bone and when it healed it did not heal clear to the depth of the cut and has consequently given Dr. Simpson lots of trouble.
    News 5 Feb 1914  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [15
    • The Iowa House at Fonda was destroyed by fire Sunday night. Claude Simpson, son of Dr. M. G. Simpson, of this place, was the proprietor. The guests and employes (sic) of the hotel escaped in their night clothes, a number of them going to the house of Dr. Simpson, who was home at the time. We did not learn how the fire originated.
    News 16 Apr 1914  Newell, Buena Vista, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [16
    • Dr. M. G. Simpson, veterinarian, was called to Manson Sunday morning by a painful accident which befell his brother, R M. Simpson, who resides at that place. Mr. Simpson had the misfortune to be kicked by a colt with such force as to badly crush his left shoulder. As he is seventy-one years of age the injury is a very serious one and will require a good while to effect a cure. Mr. Simpson has visited his brother here a number of times and is well known to quite a number of Newell people. Mr. Simpson will have the sympathy of many Newell friends in this great misfortune.
    News 7 Jan 1915  Terril, Dickinson, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [17
    • Dr. M. G. Simpson of Fonda is making an indefinite visit at the home of his son, C.F. Simpson at Terril. Mr. Simpson is a veternary (sic) surgeon and may decide to locate in Terril permanently.
    News 26 Jul 1917  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [18
    • Dr. Simpson transacted business at Gilmore City last week. Upon arriving home Friday evening he found a telegram awaiting him announcing the death of his brother Fred at Fairbolt, Minn. Dr. Simpson seems to be having more than his share of sorrow, having just buried his wife and his oldest brother who died on April 10, of this year.
    News 6 Dec 1917  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [19
    • Dr. Simpson has a copy of the New York Herald published April 15, 1865 the morning of President Lincoln's death. The paper was one purchased by the doctor's father and has been preserved since his death in 1878. It was an extra and came out at 8:10 a.m., just fifty minutes after the president's death. The news statements are practically all signed by the secretary of war. Mechanically the paper differs much from present day newspapers, being six 16m columns in width, hand set in nonpariel type and the advertising was all patent medicine.
    News 26 Sep 1918  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [20
    • Dr. Simpson this week brought in some samples of corn raised on the farm of John Lott near Lytton. A year ago Mr. Lott made a trip to Louisiana and brought back enough corn to plant an acre of ground. He planted the corn May 12th, and the stalks of some of them grew to a height of twenty feet and were six inches in circumference. One ear of corn is ten inches long and six inches in circumference. A sample of the corn is at the Times office.
    Census 24 Jan 1920  Stanley, Barron, Wisconsin, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [21
    Correspondence 15 Feb 1921  Dundas, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [22
    Dr. George M. Simpson to Ernest L. Simpson 
    Death 22 Jan 1925  Wells, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 23
    Obituary 29 Jan 1925  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [24, 25
    Burial Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Cedar Cemetery 
    Person ID I1280  Stanwood Family
    Last Modified 30 Apr 2023 

    Father George W SIMPSON,   b. 25 Jan 1824   d. 5 Dec 1878, Manson, Calhoun, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 54 years) 
    Mother Achsa R SISCO,   b. 25 Oct 1827, Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 17 Jan 1905, Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 77 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1845 
    Family ID F707  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 Sophia A NUTTING,   b. 23 Apr 1853, New York, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 30 Jun 1917, Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 64 years) 
    Marriage 4 Jul 1870  Weston, Clark, Wisconsin, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [26
     1. Claude F SIMPSON,   b. 1876, Wisconsin, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 27 Oct 1962, Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 86 years)
     2. Frank G SIMPSON,   b. 7 Jul 1880, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 7 Mar 1943, Saint Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 62 years)
     3. Lawrence SIMPSON,   b. 10 Apr 1885, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Jan 1912, Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 26 years)
    Family ID F500  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Dec 2024 

    Family 2 Alma LANGGUTH,   b. 26 Apr 1884, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 31 Dec 1962, Nicollet, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 78 years) 
    Marriage 12 Jul 1921  Nicollet, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [27
    Family ID F942  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Dec 2024 

  • Photos

  • Sources 
    1. [S685] Simpson, Gerald A, Letter with family Bible transcription to Rogers, Lauren, Simpson Family Files.

    2. [S1558] Death Certificates, Minnesota Historical Society, George Mayel Simpson; Minnesota; 12796; 1925.

    3. [S1224] CENSUS: U.S., 1860 New York, Saint Lawrence, Stockholm; p. 580; dwelling 374, family 375; George W. And Achsa R. Simpson with Martin R., Susan A., George M and Frederick; 29 December 2018.

    4. [S1553] CENSUS: 1875 State Census, Wisconsin, Clark, Beaver, unnumbered page for town of Beaver; Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison; images online, FamilySearch ( : accessed 21 June 2022).

    5. [S1538] CENSUS: 1895 State Census, Iowa, Wright, Eagle Grove; page 275; dwelling 130, family 138; M.G. Simpson; 2 April 2022.

    6. [S1735] NEWS: The Newell (Iowa) Mirror, Events of the Week; 9 February 1900; Dr. Simpson saves mare; images online; 29 April 2023.

    7. [S1537] CENSUS: 1900 U.S., Iowa, Pocahontas, Cedar Township, Fonda; 161; sheet 2 (handwritten, page 170A; dwelling 23, family 23; George M. Simmpson; 2 April 2022.

    8. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, Local News; 20 September 1900; H. Sisco visits Dr. Simpson; images online; 29 April 2023.

    9. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, Local News; 28 February 1901; Dr. Simpson receives diploma; images online; 29 April 2023.

    10. [S1112] NEWS: Renwick Times, Deals in Direct; real estate transfers; 30 May 1902; Axie Simpson, p. 4, c. 3; 21 October 2011.

    11. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, local news; 26 March 1903; Dr. Simpson visited by neices Pearl and Jessie Simpson; images online; 29 April 2023.

    12. [S1737] NEWS: Pocahontas Democrat, New Civil Cases; 25 May 1905; Mrs. G. R. Renif vs M. G. Simpson and Fonda Publishing and Printing vs. M. G. Simpson; images online; 30 April 2023.

    13. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, local news; 26 July 1906; MG Simpson fractures ankle in fall; images online; 30 April 2023.

    14. [S1735] NEWS: The Newell (Iowa) Mirror, Events of the Week; 10 July 1913; Dr. M.G. Simpson severely injures hand; images online; 30 April 2023.

    15. [S1735] NEWS: The Newell (Iowa) Mirror, Events of the Week; 5 February 1914; Claude Simpson's hotel, the Iowa house, destroyed by fire; images online; 30 April 2023.

    16. [S1735] NEWS: The Newell (Iowa) Mirror, Events of the Week; 16 April 1914; Dr. M.G. Simpson cares for brother, R.M. Simpson after injury; 29 April 2023.

    17. [S1120] NEWS: Spirit Lake Beacon, Terril; 7 January 1915; G.M. Simpson, C.F. Simpson; 18 October 2011.

    18. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, Local News; 26 July 1917; Dr. Simpson learns of brother's death; images online; 29 April 2023.

    19. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, Local News; 6 December 1917; Dr. Simpson has 1865 copy of New York Times; images online; 29 April 2023.

    20. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, Personal Paragraphs; 26 September 1918; Dr. Simpson has corn; images online; 29 April 2023.

    21. [S1525] CENSUS: U.S., 1920, Wisconsin, Barron, Stanley; 7; sheet 5A; household X, dwelling 96; George M. Simpson; 6 March 2022.

    22. [S226] Simpson, Dr. George M., Letter to Dear Brother, 15 February 1921.
      Dear Brother will drop you a line you will see I am at George’s but have got to go to Mankato Saturday as they have sent for me to examine a cople (of horses that the vets there have gave up. Have had some pretty bad caves (sic) here but have brought them out if you think I could get a cople of weak of decent work I would come down. Will go have pretty soon I sent home and got my dentist tools.
      Right me to 114 Cherry St. Mankato. I will be there Saturday the 19th. Hope this will find you and family well. Give my regards to your wife.
      From Your Brother Dr. Simpson

    23. [S1689] DB: Minnesota, Death Index, 1908-2017, 18 May 2016; entry for George Maxel Simpson, d. 22 Jan 1925, certificate no. 1925-012796.

    24. [S1502] NEWS: Unidentified News Clipping for Death of George M. Simpson, Dr. Simpson Buried Here; M. G. Simpson (George M.); obituary; 1925; Ernest Simpson to Goldie Simpson; 2021.

    25. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, Dr. Simpson Buried Here; 29 January 1925; obituary of George Mayel Simpson; images online; 2 October 2022.

    26. [S1552] DB: Wisconsin, U.S., Marriage Records, 1820-2004, database with images online; 2 October 2022; George W. Simpson and Sophia Nutting, m. 4 July 1870.

    27. [S1686] DB: Minnesota Official Marriage System, Mayel G. Simpson and Alma E. Langguth.

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