The Stanwood Family

From Colonial New England to Minnesota, learn about the Stanwoods and related families.

Ernest Loren SIMPSON

Ernest Loren SIMPSON

Male 1869 - 1939  (69 years)

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  • Name Ernest Loren SIMPSON 
    Birth 2 Jul 1869  Neillsville, Clark, Wisconsin, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    Gender Male 
    Census Jul 1870  Weston, Clark, Wisconsin, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Census 14 Jun 1880  Lincoln Township, Calhoun, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Census 1 Jan 1895  Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    News 2 Mar 1899  Humboldt, Humboldt, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    • Purchased horse - "Havana", The Humboldt Independent, Ernest Simpson last week brought from Storm Lake M. J. Myles' new purchase "Havana." He has the Wilkes blood prominent and will make a fine addition to Humboldt's good horses.
    News 31 Aug 1899  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    • Last Sunday, E.L. Simpson, of Manson, drove to Fonda to visit his brother Dr. M.G. Simpson, veterinary surgeon. His valuable hunting dog “Queen,” an English pointer, came with him, and in working the fields along the route became overheated and died about one hour after reaching here. “Queen” was out of the Sioux City gun club kennel, and was eligible to registration. She was intelligent and well broken and well known to the hunting fraternity of Manson. Mr. Simpson was offered $50 for her, but would not put a price on her.
    Census 9 Jun 1900  Manson, Calhoun, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [8
    News 10 May 1901  Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [9
    • Earnest Simpson has gone to Fort Dodge to work at the carpenter trade for Jack Slinkerd. He is getting $2.25 a day as men are scarce in the stucco town.
    News 19 Jul 1901  Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [10
      Ernest Simpson Burned His Wife’s Shoes - Now She Will Leave Him.
      Special to Times-Republican.
      Fort Dodge, July 19,- Ernest Simpson burned a pair of new shoes belonging to his wife. Now she sues for a divorce. There are other allegations beside this in the notice which case to the office of Sheriff Doud this morning from Ringgold county, but the burning of the shoes evidently made a deep impression on Mrs. Simpson, as it is mentioned prominently in a series of questions for a deposition of certain witnesses. Simpson has been working at the carpenter trade in this city and was at work this morning when served with the notice. His wife asks the custody of their three children. Simpson admits he burned the shoes and is willing to grant the divorce, but wants the custody of the children, and will make an effort to get them.
    News 24 Oct 1901  Fonda, Pocahontas, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [11
    • E.L. Simpson and wife, of Fort Dodge, are enjoying a few days' visit at the home of the former's brother, Dr. M. G. Simpson of this city.
    News 30 May 1902  Dakota City, Humboldt, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [12
    • Real estate transfers
    Census 1905  Manson, Calhoun, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [13
    Census 20 Apr 1910  Lincoln Township, Calhoun, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [14
    News 23 Oct 1911  Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [15
    • Manson
      Mrs. Ernest Simpson has sworn out a warrant for the arrest of her husband Ernest Simpson, on the charge of desertion. She says he has failed to provide for the support of herself and children for some time and that he had deserted her. The officers arrested Simpson at Fort Dodge and he was committed to the county jail at Rockwell City to await the action of the grand jury, as he was unable to furnish bonds. The town has been called upon to supply funds for the support of the family at [ - ? - ] times, and it feels as if it were time for some action to be taken, as the man Simpson spends most of his time in drunkenness.
    News 5 Jun 1915  Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [16
    • Hope he comes to Manson
      [Manson Democrat]
      Mrs. Earnest Simpson was taken to the Methodist hospital in Des Moines, the other day, where she will be operated on for an internal tumor. Her condition is very serious. She has been suffering with her trouble for some time and the operation is necessary to save her life. Her case is a sad one. Deserted several years ago by the man she married and who is the father of her five children, she has struggled against all odds and supported her little ones as best she could, while the man in the case has been bumming around the country, nobody knows where. Charitable people have divided the children among themselves and will give them good homes while the poor mother battles for what little life is left in her. It is quite probable that if Simpson should ever show his face in Manson again he would get it badly broken or terribly twisted before he got two blocks from the railroad station.
    News 10 Dec 1915  Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [17
    • Mrs. Ernest Simpson and five children left the first of this week for Kansas City, where they will enter the Julia A. W. Baker home. The children will be kept at the home and sent to school, without being separated or adopted.
    Census 5 Feb 1920  Havana Township, Steele, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [18
    Correspondence 15 Feb 1921  Dundas, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [19
    Dr. George M. Simpson to Ernest L. Simpson 
    News 14 Dec 1922  Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [20
    Witness 14 Dec 1922  Rock Rapids, Lyon, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [20, 21
    Home Cafe 
    • Man Kills Wife and Ends Own Life -
      Rock Rapids, Dec. 14 - Floyd Striegel, 34, until recently employed as a waiter in a restaurant here, shot and killed his wife Mabel, 29, in the kitchen of the retaurant where she was still employed as a waiter, and then turned the gun on himself. Both died instantly.

      He is a son of Len Striegel, merchant policeman at Fort Dodge. He telephoned his mother to come to Rock Rapids on a train that arrives at 5 o'clock and to bring his wife's mother, Mrs. Erichson, with her on a matter of vital importance to both families. Striegel left his wife a few days ago and returned Wednesday.
    News 21 Dec 1922  Lyon, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [22
    • The bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Steigel (sic), mention of whose deaths were made last week, were taken to Fort Dodge for burial. Stiegel's parents came here in response to word that their son had killed his wife and then committed suicide. They said that Stiegel had been erratic at times. They said that Steigel blamed their troubles on the unfaithfulness of his wife, and the interference of E. L. Simpson, proprieter of the restaurant.
    News 20 Sep 1924  Hill City, Pennington, South Dakota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [23
      (Special to the Argus-Leader)
      Hill City. - F.O. Simpson and family are enjoying a visit from Mr. Simpson’s brother, Ernest Simpson, with his wife and daughter from Fairbault, Minn., after a separation of 40 years. Mr. Simpson did not recognize his brother when they met.
    Correspondence Aug 1927  Oregon, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [24
    Susan Locke to Ernest Simpson 
    • Page 1 missing. Below is page 2 of 2:

      ..Billy being gone. When I go to George’s there is always something missing and in a
      day or two just have to come away. Lila is a dear little thing. She will tell me about Billy
      with such sad eyes. She told me of how Billy went in to the deep water and died. Then
      a man put him in a long box and then dug a deep hold in the ground and put it all in
      there. There were So many flowers. Billy don’t want them when he is dead. You know
      he was drowned a year ago the 28 of Aug. On Little Leo’s birthday.
      Well please do write to me.
      With lots of love to you and yours.
      Ever your old
      Sister Sue
    Census 10 Apr 1930  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [25
    News 4 Sep 1930  Terril, Dickinson, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [26
    Visited H. Simpson 
    • Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Simpson, of Minneapolis, visited Thursday and Friday at the Herbert Simpson home. Mr. Simpson is a great uncle of Herbert.
    Correspondence 16 Feb 1937  Boring, Clackamas, Oregon Find all individuals with events at this location  [27
    George Barlow to Ernest Simpson 
    • Boring Ore

      Dear Uncle

      I received your (letter) yesterday. Was glad to hear from you.
      Mother is still hanging on yet but she is pretty feeble. She may last quite a spell yet.

      We will (let) you know as soon a(s) possible when she goes. We have cards addressed to all the folks ready to send. It looks as tho we have to send them last summer but she seemed to get stronger again. She remembers things yet and
      knows us all.

      I see by the papers that you are having a hard winter. Well we have here, not as bad as yours but the worst one that I ever saw in Oregon. We had 18 in. but is all gone now.
      Lots of rain and cold. Down to 16 one night.

      I am the only one to have a cold this winter but am better
      (cont’d next page)

      now. I lost my job on W.P.A. on account of age, am now on relief and they are awfully stingy with it.
      I got me a job cutting cord wood at $1.50 per cord but I will not let the relief folks know about it.

      I bought me a Ford cope (?) for $4.00 and traded it for a drag saw. I had to spend about $6 to fix it up and can get $50.00 for it now but will keep it till I get the wood sawed.

      I’ll bet your pension comes in handy. This state don’t give us a pension till we are 70 and not then if they can get out of it. They would rather we would starve to death but the Townsent plan will be in operation before I am 70. So you have had your teeth all out.
      Well I had my lower ones pull last June and can’t make enough to have new ones yet.

      My gumbs are so tough now that I don’t need any now. They might make me look better.

      Bro Lee is on WPA and gets $55.00 for 14 day per month. Him and Clara is taking care of mother. Their address is 3335 SE Hawthorne Ave Portland Ore.

      We expect to move soon but will be on the same Route. My Lee is still working in the garage. Lila & Jean are in school. Melvin gets lonesome day time but gets plenty noisy
      when the girls get home.

      Well I guess I have run out of stuff to write and will have to quit for this time. Now don't be so long in writing.


      Your Nephew
      Geo W Barlow
      R2 Boring Ore
    Correspondence 9 Jan 1938  Oregon, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [28
    George Barlow to Ernest Simpson 
    • Boring Ore
      Jan 9-38

      Dear Uncle

      We received your letter yesterday and was glad to hear from you and that you are en-
      joying better health and hope you get entirely over your trouble. We are all pretty well
      here. I am all alone just now. Lettie and kids are over to one of the neighbors.

      My boy Lee was here a few minutes this afternoon. He owns a garrage (sic) about 3
      mile from here on a main high way and has a good trade. He got married last October
      and got an awful good girl. That leaves me 3 kids at home. Lila is in High School. Jean
      & Melvin in grade. Lettie says that you can out run her yet. She is getting pretty heavy
      now. She weighs over 140 pounds but she sure can do a lot of work.

      Len has only one girl in Ft. Dodge Amy. Edna is in Chicago. Edith in Des Moines and
      Len is still on folier duty. He has a mortgage on a laf dozen places in East Ft. Dodge.
      Had to take one over a year ago then gave it to Amy.

      Lee & Laura live in Portland. Clara is in Pasadena Calif at present but is going back to
      Boone in the Spring. Fred was in Boise Idaho last we heard.

      My girl Ruby and husband are in Detroit Mich. Ruth live about 3 miles from us her man
      drives a Co op milk truck. We had a letter from Millie last week. Every body was well at
      Faribault but I guess times are hard there too.

      Well uncle I guess I have told you all know about the folks and will have to stop for this
      time as I am nearly out of paper.

      We are having swell weather now little frosty in the mornings only one little snow before

      Write soon


      Geo Barlow
      Boring Ore
      Page 5 (not included above) states: PS thanks for the receipt I know of two men that
      need it.
    Death 2 Jun 1939  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 29, 30
    News 5 Jun 1939  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [31
    • Rites for Ernest L. Simpson, 69, 1001 E. Lake street, were today. He was a painter and decorator. Surviving are the wife and two daughters, Goldie of Minneapolis and Mrs. John Anhorn of Austin, Minn.
    Person ID I1524  Stanwood Family
    Last Modified 8 Dec 2024 

    Father George W SIMPSON,   b. 25 Jan 1824   d. 5 Dec 1878, Manson, Calhoun, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 54 years) 
    Mother Achsa R SISCO,   b. 25 Oct 1827, Sutton, Brome-Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 17 Jan 1905, Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 77 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1845 
    Family ID F707  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 Susan Belle STANWOOD,   b. 15 May 1885, Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 22 Dec 1946, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 61 years) 
    Marriage 12 Jan 1918  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [32
     1. Goldie Mae SIMPSON,   b. 3 Oct 1921, Havana Township, Steele, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 2 Jan 2004, Temecula, Riverside, California, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 82 years)
     2. Baby Boy SIMPSON,   b. Abt 1924   d. Abt 1924 (Age 0 years)
    Family ID F641  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Dec 2024 

    Family 2 Maggie M HOAG,   b. 4 Apr 1881, Coalville, Webster, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Jun 1984, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 103 years) 
    Marriage 16 Oct 1901  Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [33, 34
     1. Margaret Louise SIMPSON,   b. 1902, Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 21 Nov 1988, Idaho, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 86 years)
     2. George Frank SIMPSON,   b. 16 Apr 1906, Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 18 Aug 1971, Yellowstone, Montana, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 65 years)
     3. Mae Alice SIMPSON,   b. 14 Apr 1907, Newell, Buena Visita, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 25 Aug 1991 (Age 84 years)
     4. Frank SIMPSON,   b. 21 Feb 1909, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 21 Mar 1909, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
     5. Edna M SIMPSON,   b. 13 Aug 1910, Manson, Calhoun, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 29 Jan 2005, Colorado, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 94 years)
     6. Dorothy SIMPSON,   b. 17 May 1912, Manson, Calhoun, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 Jun 2007 (Age 95 years)
    Family ID F306  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Dec 2024 

    Family 3 Rowena Maud WILLEY,   b. Aug 1871, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Dec 1951, Mountain View, Stone, Arkansas, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 80 years) 
    Marriage 23 May 1891  Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [35
    Divorce 11 Sep 1901  Ringgold, Ringgold, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [36
     1. Alva SIMPSON,   b. Abt Oct 1891   d. 28 Jan 1892, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
     2. Clarence Vernon SIMPSON,   b. 11 Nov 1892, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 9 May 1952, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 59 years)
     3. Jessie Pearl “Deloise” SIMPSON,   b. 17 Mar 1895, Fort Dodge, Webster, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 5 Jan 1964, Martinez, Contra Costa, California, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 68 years)
     4. Horace Wiley SIMPSON,   b. 12 Aug 1896, Ringgold (historical), Ringgold, Iowa, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 28 Apr 1972 (Age 75 years)
    Family ID F613  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Dec 2024 

  • Photos
    At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.

  • Notes 
    • Ernest "Bob" Simpson was adored by his daughter, Goldie, the only surviving child from his third marriage to Susan Belle (Stanwood) Clark. Goldie was only 17 years of age when her father died in 1939, but she recalled many facts and details of his life, which were passed down to her granddaughter and recorded in notes taken in 1991. The following history of Ernest's life comes from these notes as well as details learned through research into the Simpson family.

      Ernest had two wives prior to his marriage to my great grandmother; he told Goldie that he divorced one of these wives as he came home to find her in the act of adultery. Goldie only knew of her eldest siblings - Clarence, Jessie and Horace, but never met them. It was a surprise when genealogical research uncovered her father's second marriage to Maggie Hoag and their six children, Margaret, George, Mamie, Frank, Edna, and Dorothy the youngest two who were just a toddlers when Ernest and Maggie divorced, likely about 1915-1916.

      Ernest had written the address of his eldest son, Clarence, on an envelope, so it assumed he continued to have contact with his son. His nickname for Horace was "Happy," and he severed contact with his daughter, Jessie Pearl, who was later known to her immediate family as "Deloise." It's unknown what caused the family rift, nor why he apparently did not have contact with (nor discuss) the children from his second marriage. In January 1916, Ernest penned a poem, and wrote "Passing the Nite away":

      As I sit here To Nite, Sad and Dreaming
      While Memories, Cum back to Me
      I just have to stop And Wonder
      If theres any wone, Thinking of Me...

      I would be just so glad, If only I had
      A card or a Telephone Call
      Just sumthing to take, my mind off from This
      And Know I've a Frend, after All

      If Only I had, a Frend like This
      Just Sum Wone, who understood Me
      I know I could make a Much better Fight
      And Oh how, Happy Ide Be...

      If Bob is Your Frend, Just Remember
      That he is your Friend, All the Time
      Wiling to share all your Troubles
      And redy to give, His last Dime

      Its Off time I've been, without Money
      But I never Robed, any wons Till
      For I've always Tried, to be Honest
      That won, Gleme of Sun Shine Still

      I wonce had a home and happy
      The futcher looked cheerful and bright
      But how quickly the shadows can gather
      I was robed of that home in a night

      It certainly seems likely Ernest is reflecting on his wife's infidelity, and the wound was still quite raw.

      Ernest and Susan married January 12, 1918, having met at a funeral in 1917. It is likely this was the funeral of Ernest's brother, O. Fred Simpson, who was married to Susan's aunt, Flora (Stanwood) Howe. Fred died July 18, 1917. On August 6, 1917, Ernest wrote a poem entitled, "Facts," obviously written about his new love, Susan:

      As I site here to nite, Sad and Lonely
      As memories cum back to me
      It makes me stop and wonder
      If thers anyone thinking of me

      Our strole to the bridge in the evening
      And Guys back porch at nite
      Whare we sat in the dark not a bad thing you know
      For Lidie had turned off the light

      As we sat ther unbinding the hours or time
      Wraped up in each other just love blind
      And mother up stairs spent a sleepless nite
      The stars they had faided twas broad day light

      Now if to nite was an other such nite
      With Guys back porch and Lide dark lights
      And Mother in dreamland with out a care
      I would give all I have got sweetheart to be there

      But what is the use of wishing my dear
      When your over ther and I am over here
      And Guys back steps he can take them in
      For I don't think we will need them again

      One week and a day the times flying fast
      At a depotless platform I kissed you last
      The rest of the bunch and my sister was thare
      But you got the last kiss so why should we care

      Now little woman you know this is true
      I am just riting out my thoughts to you
      Its an offul quere thing how love is made
      So cum love me up for I am not afraid

      Composed and Ritten by Bob Simpson
      One rainy nite at Lakefield Minn Aug 6 - 1917

      One other poem written by Bob that same night:

      Twas just a little smile
      Just a little look
      Just a little hand
      Laid upon my coat

      Just a little flutter
      From eyelash I could see
      Just one word of comfort
      And the world had changed for me.

      These and others of Ernest's many poems were saved by Goldie, and are now in the possession of her granddaughter.

      Shortly after Ernest and Susan married, they moved to Rock Rapids, Iowa, and later to Havana (near Owatonna), Steele County, Minnesota, where Goldie was born in 1921. They owned a farm there in Owatonna, and sold it about 1924. They used part of the profits from the sale of the farm to purchase a car, which is believed to be the Ford Model T which Ernest was very proud of. They went and visited relatives in Iowa and then went on to South Dakota to visit Ernest's brother Frank Simpson and his wife Emma. Sometime after this, Ernest and family moved to Iowa, possibly Rock Rapids, where they owned a hotel and restaurant. It is unclear when or how long they operated the business, but it was during Goldie's early childhood. They sold the business when the cook killed his wife and then himself in the kitchen of the restaurant.

      Also during the early '20s, Ernest temporarily resumed horse racing, which he had done during the time prior to his marriage to Susan. He was also a painter and hung wall paper, and it was likely this occupation that had allowed him to work in trade for a phonograph, which he gave his to his daughter Goldie when she was about 6 or 7 years of age. She gave the phonograph to cousin Grover Elphick when she married and moved to California about 1940.

      In 1961 Goldie wrote of her father, "Daddy was a vigorous Paladin sort of man. He was much older than Mama, and his past was colored with numerous tales, many of which I am sure were not told to me. An ordinary deck of playing cards came to life under his fingers. To see him shuffle and deal was a lesson in not playing cards with a stranger. He often remarked that he preferred a fine horse or dog to most people any day. His horses were a constant source of fascination to a very small me. I loved the smell of stables, and the velvet softness of a horse's nose. Daddy bred, trained, and drove many superior harness horses. I was crammed with information regarding trotters, pacers and ever "mudders", (which are not colt's mothers), also I recall he would shudder and speak disgustedly of 'stump suckers'. I wonder if such a beast was troubled with emotional insecurity.

      "My daddy had a temper that was as black and sudden as a Mid-Western storm. He once soundly beat a farmer that was forcing tired, under-fed horses. There is no true way to describe the complexities of his nature, with all his masculine sternness there was an old-world courtliness toward the gentle sex. He completely, worshiped my mother, and I was bathed in the same sunshine, perhaps because I was hers, yet bearing the blackness of his eyes and hair. Daddy was Welsh.

      "As I grew as a skinny little weed I often did many things which I knew were forbidden and not to be tolerated. But they were things I wanted to do so badly that the punishment would be minor compared to the fun of the moment. There was the time I went over the brick garden wall at twilight to join the games of the neighboring children. I didn't ask permission or - horror of horrors, answer, when my name was called with increasing emotion. As always, my little bloomers ended up around my knees, I was placed across Mama's lap and calmly and thoroughly paddled. It was always thus, Daddy never lifted a finger toward me in anger.

      "This reluctance to punish I've never understood, because I lived in fear of his frown. I can see it still, he would lower his reading glasses, look over the top of the rim, and say softly, "girl, did you hear your mother?" At such moments I was filled with unreasonable terror.

      "Daddy was a 'do-it-yourself' addict before the term came into being. He excelled at all her did and every spring he got a far-away gleam in his eyes which always came before the re-decorating of everything paintable.

      "This particular spring I was six years old and filled with the joy that only melted snow and Robbins can bring. Daddy decided to re-varnish a floor, completing the task he cautioned me not to enter that room. I tried very hard to remember but it was a worthless effort. I went out to play, and discovered some beauty of spring which I must immediately relate to Mama. Without thought or hesitation I flew through the door - Half-way across the room I remembered with perfect clarity. If fright could kill me I would have died stuck in that varnish. There was nothing to do but retreat sadly. The remainder of that black morning I brooded in the back-yard sun waiting for my sins to catch up with me.

      "An eternity away I was called for lunch, the damage to the floor had been repaired. During the meal the conversation was completely normal, containing no remonstrations for pea-green me.

      "As a child I couldn't understand why the subject was never brought up, or why no punishment was carried out. Now as a three-time mother I believe that I was forgiven because the half-way tracks indicated my innocence of deliberate wrong-doing. Today there are many times I over-look incidents that could be distorted to simulate aggression. Discipline is mellowed by that loving understanding which began to take root many, many springs ago."

  • Sources 
    1. [S685] Simpson, Gerald A, Letter with family Bible transcription to Rogers, Lauren, Simpson Family Files.

    2. [S328] Minnesota, Division of Public Health - Vital Statistics, Deaths, death certificate 20546 (1939), Ernest L. Simpson, Hennepin County, Division of Birth and Death Records and Vital Statistics.

    3. [S1243] CENSUS: U.S., 1870 Wisconsin, Clark, Weston; p. 11 (penned), 492 (stamped; dwelling 84, family 76; George W. and Achsa (Sisco) Simpson with sons Frederick O, Francis E, and Ernest L., all residing with head of house, Fernando Knoop; 27 April 2010.

    4. [S1248] CENSUS: U.S., 1880 Iowa, Calhoun, Lincoln Twp; 23; p. 8 (penned) or 267D (stamped); dwelling 66, family 73; Achsa R. Simpson with sons Frank and Ernest L., residing with Ransom, Emily A. and Dudley J. Simpson; 8 May 2015.

    5. [S1364] CENSUS: State, 1895 Iowa, Webster, Fort Dodge, p. 305, dwelling 150, family 162, Ernest, Maud, Clarance and Jessie Simpson; State Historical Society, Des Moines; FHL microfilm 1,022,183; images online, FamilySearch ( : accessed 9 May 2015).

    6. [S1437] NEWS: The Humboldt Independent, (___); local news; 2 March 1899; Ernest Simpson purchases horse, p. (_); 7 December 2014.

    7. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, [no heading]; local news; 31 August 1899; E. L. Simpson, p. 3, c. 3; 13 December 2020.

    8. [S1269] CENSUS: U.S., 1900 Iowa, Calhoun, Manson; 28; sheet 8 (penned) or 83A (stamped); dwelling 160, family 167; Earnest L., Maud R., Clarence V., Jessie P., and Horace W. Simpson; 9 May 2015.

    9. [S1738] NEWS: Fort Dodge Semi-Weekly Chronicle, Webster County Correspondence; 10 May 1901; Earnest (sic) Simpson works for Jack Slinkerd; images online; 30 April 2023.

    10. [S1081] NEWS: Evening Times-Republican, Cause for Divorce; 19 July 1901; Ernest Simpson burned his wife's shoes, now she leaves him, p. 4; 25 June 2019.

    11. [S1136] NEWS: The Fonda Times, Local News; 24 October 1901; E.L. Simpson visits brother in Fonda; images online; 30 April 2023.

    12. [S1112] NEWS: Renwick Times, Deals in Direct; real estate transfers; 30 May 1902; Axie Simpson, p. 4, c. 3; 21 October 2011.

    13. [S1365] CENSUS: State, 1905 Iowa, Calhoun, Manson, cards 282-284, Earnest, Maggie and Margueritte Simpson; Iowa, U.S., State Census Collection, 1836-1925; database with images, ( : accessed 9 May 2015).

    14. [S1285] CENSUS: U.S., 1910 Iowa, Calhoun, Lincoln Twp; 34; sheet 3B; dwelling 69, family 69; Earnest, Maggie M, Margaret, George and Mamie Simpson; 9 May 2015.

    15. [S1081] NEWS: Evening Times-Republican, Manson; local news; 23 October 1911; Ernest Simpson arrested, p. 3; 25 June 2019.
      Mrs. Ernest Simpson has sworn out a warrant for the arrest of her husband Ernest Simpson, on the charge of desertion. She says he has failed to provide for the support of herself and children for some time and that he had deserted her. The officers arrested Simpson at Forst Dodge and he was committed to the county jail at Rockwell City to await the action of the grand jury, as he was unable to furnish bonds. The town has been called upon to supply funds for the support of the family at [ - ? - ] times, and it feels s if it were time for some action to be taken, as the man Simpson spends most of his time in drunkenness.

    16. [S1081] NEWS: Evening Times-Republican, Hope He Comes to Manson; local news; 5 June 1915; Mrs. Earnest Simpson taken to hospital, p. 7; 26 June 2019.

    17. [S1081] NEWS: Evening Times-Republican, Manson News Notes; local news; 10 December 1915; Mrs. Ernest Simpson; 26 June 2019.

    18. [S1312] CENSUS: U.S., 1920 Minnesota, Steele, Havana; 129; sheet 3B; dwelling 58, family 58; Edward (sic) L., Susie and Beatrice [Clark] Simpson; 8 May 2015.

    19. [S226] Simpson, Dr. George M., Letter to Dear Brother, 15 February 1921.
      Dear Brother will drop you a line you will see I am at George’s but have got to go to Mankato Saturday as they have sent for me to examine a cople (of horses that the vets there have gave up. Have had some pretty bad caves (sic) here but have brought them out if you think I could get a cople of weak of decent work I would come down. Will go have pretty soon I sent home and got my dentist tools.
      Right me to 114 Cherry St. Mankato. I will be there Saturday the 19th. Hope this will find you and family well. Give my regards to your wife.
      From Your Brother Dr. Simpson

    20. [S1137] NEWS: The Gazette (NewspaperArchive), Man kills wife and ends own life; 14 December 1914; Floyd Striegel kills wife and takes own life; images online; 18 March 2022.

    21. [S1528] Iowa, U.S., Death Records, 1880-1904, 1921-1952, 18 March 2022; Floyd Striegel, suicide, 14 December 1922.

    22. [S1529] NEWS: Lyon County Reporter, Twenty Years Ago; 24 December 1942; Floyd Striegel and wife burial; images online; 18 March 2022.

    23. [S1064] NEWS: Argus-Leader, United After 40 Years; news; 20 September 1924; Frank Simpson and Ernest Simpson, p. 4, c. 2; 19 August 2021.

    24. [S773] Locke, Susan A. (Simpson), Letter to Ernest L. Simpson (inferred), n.d, page one missing; page two signed “Ever your old Sister Sue”.
      ...Billy being gone. When I go to George’s there is always something missing and in a day or two just have to come away. Lila is a dear little thing. She will tell me about Billy with such sad eyes. She told me of how Billy went in to the deep water and died. Then a man put him in a long box and then dug a deep hold in the ground and put it all in there. There were So many flowers. Billy don’t want them when he is dead. You know he was drowned a year ago the 28 of Aug. On Little Leo’s birthday.
      Well please do write to me.
      With lots of love to you and yours.

    25. [S1327] CENSUS: U.S., 1930 Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis; 27-119; sheet 13B; 2840 12th Ave. So, dwelling no. 167, family no. 240; Ernest L., Sussie (sic) and Goldie Simpson; 6 May 2015.

    26. [S1120] NEWS: Spirit Lake Beacon, "Terril"; 4 September 1930; Ernest Simpson, Herbert Simpson; 18 October 2011.

    27. [S1400] CORRESP: Barlow, George W., Letter to Dear Uncle, 16 February 1937.

    28. [S1401] CORRESP: Barlow, George W., Letter to Dear Uncle, 9 January 1938.

    29. [S976] Crystal Lake Cemtery (Minneapolis, Minnesota), Grave Markers, Ernest and Susan Simpson, lot 103, section 26, undated plat. The actual gravestone (viewed by the author, 1989) reads SIMPSON “FATHER ERNEST L” and “MOTHER SUSAN B”.
      Crystal Lake Cemetery (Minneapolis, Minnesota) to Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Cemetery Plat, Ernest and Susan Simpson, lot 103, section 26, undated plat. The actual gravestone (viewed by the author, 1989) reads SIMPSON “FATHER ERNEST L” and “MOTHER SUSAN B”.

    30. [S976] Crystal Lake Cemtery (Minneapolis, Minnesota), Grave Markers, Joint grave marker for “Simpson,” noting “Father Ernest L. (1869-1939)” and “Mother Susan B. (1885-1946)” photograph by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, October, 1993.
      Crystal Lake Cemetery (Hennepin, Minnesota; Penn Ave N & 40 Ave N), joint grave marker for “Simpson,” noting “Father Ernest L. (1869-1939)” and “Mother Susan B. (1885-1946)” photograph by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, October, 1993., database

    31. [S849] “Rites for Ernest L. Simpson,” undated clipping, ca. July 1939, from unidentified newspaper;.

    32. [S127] Minnesota, Hennepin, Marriage Certificates, Original Marriage Certificate for Ernest L. and Susan (Stanwood) Clark Simpson (privately held by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Newark, Delaware, 2016).

    33. [S1557] DB: Iowa, U.S., Marriage Records, 1880-1945, Ernest L. Simpson and Maggie M. Hoag, 16 October 1901.

    34. [S1627] DB: Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992, entry for Ernest L. Simpson and Maggie M. Hoag, dau. of George Hoag and Emma Warren, m. 16 Oct 1901, Fort Dodge, Iowa, citing Ft. Dodge, reference 2:3L7L9WN; FHL microfilm 1,401,727.

    35. [S292] Iowa, Webster County, "Marriages", Ernest L. Simpson and Rena Maud Willey, marriage license and record no. 125 (1891) Webster County Clerk of Court, Fort Dodge.

    36. [S1568] Iowa, Ringgold County, divorce records, 1893-1911, p. 53 (image 57 of online image file); file no. 4182, Rowena M. Simpson vs. Ernest Simpson, divorce decree dated 11 September 1901.

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