Sources |
- [S1284] CENSUS: U.S., 1910 Idaho, Ada, South Boise; 22; sheet 9A; dwelling 185, family 187; Melvin and Edith C Stanwood, and unnamed female infant; 15 June 2007.
- [S242] Stanwood, Charlotte "Lottie" (Dunbar), Letter to Lavina (Bursley) Stanwood (1512 Chicago Ave, Minnea, Postcard front displays “Hearty Greetings” for Saint Patrick’s Day.
"Haven't had an answer to our letters yet, wonder why Stan is getting anxious? We are all well. Love from Lottie"
- [S388] Stanwood, Charlotte "Lottie" (Dunbar), Letter to Mrs. A.J. Stanwood (Lavina Bursley Stanwood), 7 Apr, Easter Greeting card signed, “From Lottie & Stan”.
- [S728] Stanwood, Charlotte "Lottie" (Dunbar), Letter to Lavina (Bursley) Stanwood, (2119 Cedar Ave, Minneap, On front of postcard appears “section of Vallejo, Cal. Looking East.”.
“Dear Mother: Why don't you write? me as so anxious to hear from you again. We are all fine. Stan is having his vacation now, expect to go to Santa Cruz or Santa Barbara the first of the wk. will have one of our cottages done then and will feel content to leave for a while. Love from Lottie & Stan”
- [S1300] CENSUS: U.S., 1920 California, Solano, Valejo; 207; sheet 28B; 333 Coghlan St, dwelling 211, family 253; Vallejo, sheet 28B, Melvin and Edith C Stanwood, with Bernice I and Bertram J. Stanwood, and William H and Katherine Gibb, boarders; 27 April 2010.
- [S1586] DB: California Death Index, 1905-1939, Edith C. Stanwood, d. 13 March 1924.
Citing California Department of Health and Welfare. California Vital Records-Vitalsearch ( The Vitalsearch Company Worldwide, Inc., Pleasanton, California
- [S181] United States, "Washington, County Marriages, 1855-2008 ", entry for Melvin Stanwood and Lottie Dunbar, citing certificate no. 7238.