The Stanwood Family

From Colonial New England to Minnesota, learn about the Stanwoods and related families.



Male Abt 1773 - 1854  (81 years)

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  • Name Lemuel BURSLEY 
    Birth Abt 1773  [1
    Gender Male 
    Misc 2 Jan 1797  Provincetown, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Free Mason 
    • Membership in King Hiram's Lodge, Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts
    Misc 25 Nov 1799  Farmington Falls, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Petition for Farmington Falls Social Library meetings 
    Census 1800  Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    • 1800 Census shows:
      0-10 = 1
      17-26= 1
      Females 17-26=1
    Census 1810  Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Religion 2 Sep 1811  Farmington, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Universalist Church 
    Military 1812  [6
    Land 14 Apr 1814  Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    • Land
      Transcription by John Clarke Bursley:
      Farmington, Kennebec,Maine
      Apr 1814
      #00290141 (Book 29,Pages 141-142)
      Grantee:  BURSLEY, Lemuel; Grantor:  Gower, Edward et al

      Know all men by these presents that I Edward Gower of Litchfield and I John Mayall of Lisbon and my wife Ann Mayall all of the county of Lincoln and I Robert Cofran and my wife Sarah Cofran of Vienna and I William Gower and I Elijah Norton and my wife Peggy Norton and I Elnathan Pope and my wife Rebeccah Pope and I Samuel Gower and I George Gower being all of Farmington county of Kennebec and I James Gower of Industry and I Henry Norton and my wife Hannah Norton of Newportland the county of Somerset being all of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, being heirs of the estate of Robert Gower late of Farmington deceased in consideration of three hundred Dollars to the said Robert Gower and to his heirs paid the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge by Lemuel Bursley of Farmington county of Kenenbec Commonwealth aforesaid do by these presents give, grant, sell and convey unto the said Bursley a certain tract of land lying in Farmington aforesaid (?) being part of number fourteen in said town and bounded as follows, beginning at Sandy River being the full width of said lot sixty Poles (?) more or less, thence running south west of parallel lines between lot number fifteen belonging to Reuben Lowell, and lot number thirteen belonging to Reuben Lowell Jnr (?) and Samuel Eames one half the distance from the River to the Range Line so as to contain one half of said lot, containing seventy five acres (?), more or less; To have and to hold the before mentioned premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said Lemuel Bursley his heirs and assigns forever and we the before mentioned Grantors being all the heirs of the said Robert Gower but one and as such for our solace (?) heirs and assigns do covenant (?)and engage with the said Bursley to warrant and defend the before mentioned premises against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming _____ byor under us or our under our heirs (?)  In witness whereof we the said Edward Gower and John and Ann Mayall and Robert and Sarah Cofran and William Gower and Elijah and Peggy Norton and Henry and HannahNorton James Gower Elnathan and Rebecca Pope and Samuel Gower and George Gower have hereunto set our hands and seals this fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.  Signed sealed and delivered in presence of   Samuel Gower(seal)
      July 16, 1814.  Then the above named Samuel Gower acknowledges this to be his free act before me John Gower Js Peace
      AttestJohn Gower                                                                        Edward Gower (seal)
      February9th 1815.  Then the above named EdwardGower acknowledged this to be his free act, before me, John Gower J.P.
      JohnMayall (seal)
      AttestJohn Gower                                                                           AnnMayall (seal)
      February11, 1815 Then the above named John and Ann Mayall acknowledged this to be theirfree act, before me, John Gower Jus Peace
      HenryNorton (seal)
      AttestJohn Gower                                                                        HannahNorton (seal)
      Somerset ss February the 10th (?) 1815.  Then theabove named Henry Norton acknowledged this to be his free act before me John Gower Jus Peace

      William Gower (seal)
      Elijah Norton …..
      Peggy Norton …..
      Robt Cofran (seal)
      Sarah Cofran (seal)
      Elnathan Pope (seal)

      Rebecca Pope (seal)
      James Gower (seal)
      Attest John Gower
      Joshua Sewall (?)
      George Gower …..

      June 21th 1816.  Then the above named William Gower and Elijah and Peggy Norton, Robert and Sarah Cofran Elnathan and Rebeccah Pope, James Gower and George Gower acknowledged this instrument to be their free act before me John Gower Justice of the Peace
      Kennebec ss Rec. Decr 9 1817 entered and compared with the original by,
      John Harvey (?) Register

      From the Farmington Chronicle 19 August 1875, p. 1:
      “…[Lemuel Bursley Jr.] subsequently built the house now occupied by Mrs. Andrew Crosswell, on the lot adjoining on the south, for the accommodation of his parents, and in which they spent their declining years.”

      From Butler’s The Falls, we learn that Andrew Crosswell’s home was built on lot no. 14, the same lot which Lemuel Sr. purchased from the heirs of Robert Gower (p. 44).

      According to Butler's History of Farmington, "Robert Gower was one of the pioneers who explored the township with a view to settlement in 1776; and, in the mutual distribution of the land, received river-lot No. 43, east side...He d. Aug. 29, 1806."  His twelve children included Edward, William, James, Margaret (md. Elijah Norton), Hannah (md. Henry Norton), Sarah (md. Robert Coffren), John, Samuel, Anna (md. John Mayall), Rebecca (md. Elnathan Pope), George.

      According to Butler's History of Farmington, "Samuel Eames, in 1788, was the first settler on front-lot No. 13, west side, where he made some improvements, afterwards selling the front portion of this lot to Reuben Lowell, Jr.  He subsequently erected buildings on the back part of his land, and resided there during life.  Mr. Eames...was b. July 28, 1762; md. Sarah, dau. of Reuben Lowell, who d. Aug. 12, 1794; md. (2) Mar. 10, 1796, Thankful Hawkes of New Sharon...Eleven children..."
      Old surveys were often measured using a Surveyors Chain. These were literally chains made up of 100 links. Each Chain was 66 feet long. Each link was 0.666 of a foot...or 7.92" To convert the distances on a plat measured in chains (abbreviate Ch) simply multiply the distance in chains by 66.
      Another common unit of measurement was the Pole.  The Pole is exactly what it sounds like; a wooden pole which was 16.5' feet long.  To convert the distances on a plat measured in poles (abbreviated P) you must multiply the distance by 16.5  A Pole was sometimes called a "perch" on old surveys.
      Vienna is approximately 13miles SSE of Farmington
      Litchfield approximately 45miles S of Farmington
      Lisbon approximately 50 miles S of Farmington
      Industry approximately 8 milesNNE of Farmington
      Newportland (New Portland) approximately 16 miles N of Farmington.
    Military 12 Sep 1814  Hallowell, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [6, 8, 9
    Ensign, Capt. Daniel Beal's co. 
    Land 4 Jun 1816  Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [10
    • Land
      Transcription of Deed by John Clarke Bursley:
      Farmington, Kennebec,Maine
      Jun 1816
      #00290138 (Book 29,Page 138)
      Grantee:  BURSLEY, Lemuel; Grantor:  Gower, John


      Know all men by these presents that I John Gower Jr. (?) of Industry, county of Somerset ______, being an heir of Robert Gower late of Farmington county of Kennebec, Housewright Inconsideration of three hundred Dollars to the said Robert Gower and his heirs paid by Lemuel Bursley of Farmington county of Kenenbec Housewright  / the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge/ do hereby give, grant, sell and convey unto the said Bursley and to his heirs and assigns a certain tract of land situated in Farmington aforesaid being one units(?) wide & eleventh post (?) of the tract (?) half of lot No fourteen on the southwesterly side of Sandy River bounded on said River thence Running of parallel lines the full width of said lot between lot number thirteen and lot No.fifteen owned by Reuben Lowell and Reuben Lowell Junior one half the distance from the River to the Range line so as to contain one half of said lot with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, To have & to hold the same to the said Lemuel Bursley and his heirs and assigns that I am lawfully seated(?) in fee (?) of the premises (?), that they are free of all incumbrances(sic) that I have good right to sell and convey the same to the said Lemuel Bursley And that I will warrant and defend the same to the said Bursley and his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims and demands of any persons. In witness whereof I the said John Gower have set hereunto our hand and seal this twenty fourth day of June in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen ---
      Signed sealed and delivered in presence of                                 John Gower (seal)
      Elnathan Pope Polly Eames (?)

      Kennebec ss June 24th, 1816.  Then the above named John Gower acknowledged this instrument by him submitted to be his free act and____ before me.

      Elnathan Pope, Justice of Peace

      Kennebec ss Recd December 9, 1817 entered and compared with the original by,
      John Harvey (?) Register

      Industry is approximately 8 miles NNE of Farmington
    Census 1820  Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [11
    • Males
      0-10 - 2
      10-16- 1
      16-18- 1
      18-26- 2
      45 and > -1
      0-10 -4
      10-16- 1
      26-45- 1
      45 and >
    Religion 1829  Farmington, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [12
    • Assessor, First Universalist Church of Farmington and Vicinity
    Census 1830  Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [13
    • Males:
      Under 5: 0
      Five and under ten: 1
      Ten and under fifteen: 0
      Fifteen and under twenty: 0
      Twenty and under thirty: 2
      Thirty and under forty: 0
      Forty and under fifty: 0
      Fifty and under sixty: 1
      Under 5: 0
      Five and under ten: 1
      Ten and under fifteen: 2
      Fifteen and under twenty: 2
      Twenty and under thirty: 1
      Thirty and under forty: 0
      Forty and under fifty: 0
      Fifty and under sixty: 1
    Land 14 Jun 1839  Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [14
    • Sale of residence (Lot 14), See deed 4:5 in which Lemuel Bursley Jr becomes guarantee for Elisha Bass, in amount of $1500, due in three installments. Notes paid in full August 1840.
    Census 1840  Farmington, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [15
    • 1 JUN 1840, Males:
      60 and under 70 - 1
      15 and under 20 - 1
      60 and under 70 - 1
    Land 9 Jan 1840  Farmington Falls, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [16
    Census 10 Aug 1850  Farmington, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [17
    Death 15 Nov 1854  Chesterville, Franklin, Maine Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 18, 19
    Obituary 23 Nov 1854  Farmington, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [20
    • Died.
      Chesterville. - Nov. 15th, Mr. Lemuel Bursley, aged 81 years.

      Mr. B. Was esteemed bye all who formed his acquaintance. He fulfilled the duties devolving upon him as citizen, neighbor, husband and father as a christian-and his end was peace.-Though his pains were severe during many months of sickness, he endured thermal with christian patience - being perfectly reconciled to his lot. His frequent expression while exercised with excruciating pain “How good the Lord is,” gave evidence that he had support from above in his conflicts. May his examples of sobriety and uprightness bye followed by all.
    Obituary 19 Aug 1875  Farmington, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [21
    • Thursday, August 19, 1875
      Page 1, Columns 6-7
      Local Reminiscences
      By Rev. J. S. Swift
      Chapter XXV
      The Col. Lemuel Bursley

      The death of Col Bursley, on the 11th of July, at his residence at Farmington Falls, has been announced in the CHRONICLE, but some additional reminiscences of a citizen who has led a life as useful and exemplary as was his, ought t be made a matter of permanent record.
      Mr. Bursley belonged to a worthy family. His father, Lemuel Bursley, sen., was among the early pioneers who located their future homes on the banks of the Sandy river. He selected a lot on the western side of the river, about a mile and a half above Farmington Falls, and cleared the farm and erected the buildings on the place which was, we believe, occupied by Mr. J. Allen at the date at which the County Map was published. He came from Barnstable, Mass., - was a carpenter by trade, became a successful farmer, and on his farm successfully trained a large family of children, and led a useful, exemplary and religious life, till increased age induced him to sell his farm, accept the care of his son, Col. Bursley, and remove to the Falls. Eleven out of thirteen children of the Bursley family lived to become heads of families, and all led honorable and useful lives. - Silas settled on a farm in Guilford; Barnabas followed the occupation of a carriage maker in Sangersville; John, who with Col. Bursley, were the only sons who located permanently in Franklin county, died on his farm in Chesterville, something more than a year since, and Benjamin located himself in Minnesota, as a carpenter. Of the sisters of Col. Bursley, Eliza was married to Mr. I Bailey of Dorchester, Mass.; Mary, to Rev. E. G. Page, well known as a Free Baptist minister throughout this section of the State; Abby died at Farmington Falls in 1874, following shortly after the death of her husband, Mr. Barlow Dyer, long one of the most respected citizens of New Sharon, but who had, in the years of declining age, retired to Farmington Falls; Savina (sic) was married to a Mr. Adams of Dorchester, Mass.; Martha to a Mr. Gove, a shipbuilder of Boston, and Lurena to Wm. Shaw, a Boston merchant.
      This brief introduction of one of the pioneer families of Farmington prepares the way for a more particular allusion to the late Col. Lemuel Bursley, with whom we had a more or less intimate acquaintance running through a period of nearly thirty years.
      During his minority Mr. Bursley assisted in managing the homestead farm, and perfected the joiner’s trade, in which occupation he became conspicuous as more than ordinarily skilful (sic) workman. Some thirty-eight years ago (1837), having previously married Miss Sophronia Haskell, of New Gloucester, who now survives him, he permanently located himself at Farmington Falls, in the house he made the neat and tasteful residence in which he died. He subsequently built the house now occupied by Mrs. Andrew Croswell, on the lot adjoining on the south, for the accommodation of his parents, and in which they spent their declining years. His reputation as a skilful (sic) mechanic sometimes called him away from home for temporary periods, and once he was induced, by the late Judge Sherburne, to go as far as Minnesota to erect a fancy residence. Some twelve years of the earlier part of the period of his residence at the Falls he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, gaining the confidence of the community by his gentlemanly demeanor, and accommodating habits as a retail trader. The confidence the community gave him the rank of Captain of cavalry in the militia, and subsequently elevated him t the rank of Colonel. In the years 1846 and 1847 he faithfully and crepitably (sic) represented Franklin in the Senate of our State. In the facilities for education he possessed no advantages over his youthful contemporaries among the farmers of Franklin, but either then or subsequently, or in both periods, he better improved the advantages he did possess, and he became a thorough English scholar, a not forward or ostentatious, but an agreeable speaker, and well versed in historical and general, and particularly in political literature. He set the example of systematic diligence in business before the whole community, and to those more intimate with his domestic habits he was known to be equally systematic and persevering as a student. He read much, and read for instruction - not for mere amusement. During many years of his life we knew him as an active politician, but one conspicuous for the gentlemanly deference which he habitually manifested to all who differed from him. Whatever political friends or political opponents might say or think of the intrinsic character of his political convictions, all knew that he could not be induced to swerve from those convictions for emolument, or the sake of being on the popular side.
      In a momentary examination, a few days since, of the valuable library which is among the legacies left to his family we could not avoid being forcibly struck with the fact that the selection was so characteristic of the man, or with the suggestion that the judicious selection of the library may have had much to do with the tastes and character of the man.

      But we must not bring this sketch to a close without a reference to the character of Col. Bursley in a more important point of view, a view rendered important by the power by which his example will he is dead, and by the way in which his works, in common with those of others who “die in the Lord,” will follow, according to the teachings of Revelation in everlasting fruitage. The question now to ask is not whether he ought not to have done more, or whether the writer or reader might not heretofore have done much more for the general good than we have. He was very far from claiming what all who intimately knew him will unhesitatingly concede, that he was preeminently a philanthropic, public-spirited man. But such he was. Not merely in the common relations of life, but religiously. He was not a fanatic, a wild enthusiast, or in any regard a bigot- but he was a Christian. We do not know that he ever allied himself to any church organization. He was nominally a Restorationist, but he was a praying man and lived and died under the sway of the regenerated emotions which are the salvation of fallen humanity, He publicly confessed Christ by the example of profound respect for the teachings and institutions of Christianity. He died in an unwavering trust in God, and faith in a glorious immortality. Knowing that the messenger from the unseen world was approaching he set his business and household relations in order, selected the hymns, and suggested other arrangements for his funeral, and waited calmly through the fading eclipse of earthly light for the moment of the nursing of celestial light upon the enfranchised soul.

      Though flaming no merely denominational fraternity with the late Col. Bursley, the writer of this sketch claims the privilege of recording his convictions in the language of warm and positive expression. For in the death of Mr. B. he has lost a friend and supporter- an assistant in his life work. He ever contributed his share pecuniarily in support of the institutions of the sanctuary; he was an efficient teacher in the Sabbath School while his health and other circumstances permitted, and preached - regardless of the paltry excuses which too many of his remaining neighbors render on account of weather, etc. - each succeeding Sabbath while health permitted - by his punctual and attentive presence in his pew. For years he thus preached by the sanctioning utterances of his presence, and for many years he assisted his pastor, though of a different denominational name, in the oral utterances of sanctuary. Yes, often has the anticipation that Col. B. was to be one of the few unfailing listeners imparted vigor to the guidance of the pen in preparations of the study, and the fulfillment of the expectation has as often inspired additional help in using orally the studied words of the gospel teaching. On whom within the radiance of Farmington Falls shall mantle one of Franklin’s worthiest citizens fall? Who by following in the track of his example will prepare the way for some recorder of reminiscences to do equal, though imperfect justice to his memory?
    Burial Farmington Falls, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [19
    Person ID I2449  Stanwood Family
    Last Modified 2 Oct 2021 

    Father Benjamin BURSLEY,   b. 27 Mar 1752   d. Aft 31 May 1803 (Age > 51 years) 
    Mother Elizabeth GOODSPEED 
    Marriage 16 Oct 1773  [22
    Family ID F406  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Lavina SPENCER,   b. 1780, Provincetown, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 4 Aug 1858 (Age 78 years) 
    Marriage 4 Feb 1797  Provincetown, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 23, 24
     1. Silas BURSLEY,   b. 22 Feb 1801, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 29 May 1871, Guilford, Piscataquis, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years)
     2. John Spencer BURSLEY,   b. 18 Feb 1803, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 8 Jan 1873, Chesterville, Franklin, Maine Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 69 years)
     3. Barnabas BURSLEY,   b. 16 Jan 1805, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 8 Jan 1883, Sangerville, Piscataquis, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 77 years)
     4. Elizabeth G BURSLEY,   b. 9 Jan 1807, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 4 Apr 1888, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 81 years)
     5. Lemuel BURSLEY,   b. Jan 1809, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 11 Jul 1875, Farmington, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 66 years)
     6. Benjamin BURSLEY,   b. 17 Dec 1810, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Apr 1881, Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years)
     7. Abigail N BURSLEY,   b. 1813, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1874, Farmington, Franklin, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 61 years)
     8. Mary G BURSLEY,   b. 4 Jul 1815, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Aug 1884, Richmond, Sagadahoc, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 69 years)
     9. Lavinia S BURSLEY,   b. 28 Nov 1816, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 13 Nov 1872, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 55 years)
     10. Martha H BURSLEY,   b. 1819, Farmington, Kennebec, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 7 Mar 1859, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 40 years)
     11. Lurena BURSLEY,   b. Abt 1825, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 30 Dec 1856, Brooklyn, Kings, New York Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 31 years)
    Family ID F418  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Dec 2024 

  • Photos

  • Sources 
    1. [S1673] DB: Massachusetts: Grand Lodge of Masons Membership Cards, 1733-1990, entry for Lemuel Bursley, membership 1797-1-2, citing Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Massachusetts.

    2. [S1407] The Falls: Where Farmington, Maine began, p. 82.

    3. [S1173] CENSUS: U.S., 1800 Maine, Kennebec, Farmington; p. 29; Lemuel Bursley; 28 April 2016.

    4. [S1175] CENSUS: U.S., 1810 Maine, Kennebec, Farmington; p. 829; Lemuel Bursley; 28 April 2016.

    5. [S1389] BOOK: A History of Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, 27 October 2013; p. 155.

    6. [S1403] Daniel Beale, Annual Return of the Company of Foot.

    7. [S554] TO DO - Deed 285 - source citation date does not match date on data entry, 29:141; Lemuel Bursley and Heirs of Robert Gower; 9 December 1817.
      Farmington Map
      Farmington Map

    8. [S1389] BOOK: A History of Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, 2013; p. 121.

    9. [S405] Lemuel Bursley (Ensign, Col David McGaffey's attached Regiment of the Massachusetts Militia, War of.
      Bursley Lavina 1855 Bounty Land Application Statement - Reverse
      Bursley Lavina 1855 Bounty Land Application Statement - Reverse
      Bursley Lavina 1855 Bounty Land Application Statement
      Bursley Lavina 1855 Bounty Land Application Statement

    10. [S572] Maine, Franklin County, Deeds, 29:38, Lemuel Bursley, 9 December 1817.
      Franklin County, Maine, Franklin County Deeds, 29:38, Lemuel Bursley, 9 December 1817; Franklin County Registrar, Farmington,
      Farmington Map
      Farmington Map

    11. [S1180] CENSUS: U.S., 1820 Maine, Kennebec, Farmington; p. 442; Lemuel Bursley; 5 June 2011.

    12. [S1389] BOOK: A History of Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, 27 October 2013; p. 156.

    13. [S1185] CENSUS: U.S., 1830 Maine, Kennebec, Farmington; p. 335; Lemuel Bursley; 2 May 2016.

    14. [S572] Maine, Franklin County, Deeds, 3:41, Lemuel Bursley, sale to Elisha Bafs, 14 June 1839.
      Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, Lemuel Bursley to Elisha Bafs, part of lot no. 14, 14 June 1839, 3:41, ; Franklin Registry of Deeds, Farmington.

    15. [S1192] CENSUS: U.S., 1840 Maine, Franklin, Farmington; p. 121; Lemuel Bursley; 30 May 2011.

    16. [S572] Maine, Franklin County, Deeds, 3:387, Lemuel Bursley, Jr, sale to Lemuel Bursley, Sr, 9 January 1840.
      Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, deed, Lemuel Bursley, Jr, to Lemuel Bursley, Sr, 9 January 1840, 3:387; Franklin Registry of Deeds, Farmington.

    17. [S1199] CENSUS: U.S., 1850 Maine, Franklin, Farmington; p. 173 (stamped); dwelling 23, family 27,; Lemuel and Lavina Bursley; 3 December 2018.

    18. [S1593] DB: Cemetery Transcriptions from the NEHGS Manuscript Collections, entry for Lemuel Bursley (d. Nov. 15, 1854 AE 81) and Lavinia (his wife, d. Aug. 4, 1858 AE 78).
      Citing Blake Memorial Cemetery, Farmington, Franklin, Maine

    19. [S1166] Find A Grave, 30 May 2011; memorial page for Lemuel Bursley ( - 1854), Find A Grave Memorial no. 42,590,205.
      Citing Blake Cemetery, Farmington Falls, Franklin County, Maine; the accompanying photographs submitted by Dale & Patti Mower and John Bursley provide a legible image of the inscribed data.

    20. [S1416] NEWS: Farmington Chronicle, Died; obituary; 23 November 1854; Lemuel Bursley, p. (_).
      “Died,” Farmington Chronicle, 23 November 1854, obituary of Lemuel Bursley.

    21. [S1416] NEWS: Farmington Chronicle, Rev. J.S. Swift; Local Reminscences - The Late Col. Lemuel Bursley; obituary; 19 August 1875; Lemuel Bursley, Jr., p. 1, c. 6.
      Obituary, Col. Lemuel Bursley
      Obituary, Col. Lemuel Bursley

    22. [S1584] DB: Barnstable, MA: Vital Records 1625-1903, 24 November 2013; entry for marriage of Benjamin Bursley Jr and Elizabeth Goodspeed, 1:202.
      Citing Records of Barnstable, Massachusetts. CD-ROM

    23. [S80] Massachusetts, Barnstable, Provincetown, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, marriage certificate, Lemuel Bursley and Lavinia Spencer m. Feb. 4, 1797, Provincetown, Massachusetts, by Rev. Samuel Parker.
      Citing Provincetown records of 1797, vol. II, p. 2, no. 6

    24. [S841] "Records of Provincetown, Massachusetts 1698-1859", entry for Lemuel Bursley and Lavinia Spencer.
      Citing Typescript abstraction by Harry A. Smith of original records, "Records of Provincetown, Mass.," ten vols.

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