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- Richard Kemball came to this country in the ship Elizabeth,William Andrews, master, in 1634. He appears to have gone, soon after landing, to Watertown, mass. He settled in a different part of the town from that occupied by Henry Kemball. According to Bond and other writers Richard and Henry were brothers. There is but little evidence to support this supposition and it seems to be mainly founded on the fact that they both came over on the same vessel. Richard is said on the shipping list to be thirty-nine years old, but he was probably somewhat older. He was,however, in the prime of life, and soon became a prominent and active man in the new settlement.
He first settled in Watertown, and his home lot is thus given by Dr. Henry Bond: Richard Kimball, six acres, bounded on the north by Cambridge, east by land of W.Hamlet, south by the highway, and west by land of Edward White.
This lot was situated a long way from the centre of the town. It is now in Cambridge, which many years ago annexed the eastern part of Watertown. The lot was situated near what is now the corner or Huron avenue and Appleton street, and near springs of water.
He was proclaimed freeman in 1635, May 6. Was a proprietor in 1636-7. Soon after this date he was invited to remove to Ipswich, where they were in need of a competent man to act as wheelwright to the new settlement. Here he spent the remainder of his days. The town granted him a house lot, Feb 23, 1637, next adjoining Goodwin Simons at the west end of the town. He was also granted at the same time “40 acres Beyond the North riuer, near the land of Robert Scott.” In 1639 he had liberty to pasture “two cows free.” On “the last day of the last month 1641” he is mentioned as “Among the Commoners of Ipswich.” He was appointed one of the seven men March 1, 1645. On the 22nd day of the tenth mo. 1647 he was allowed two Pounds for killing two foxes.
His services as wheelwright were appreciated by his townspeople, for he was permitted in January, 1649, to “fell such white Oaks as he hath occasion to use about his trade for the town use.”
December 19, 1648, he contributed with others three shillings as his annual proportion towards the sum of £27, 7 s, as a rate for the services of their military leader, major David Dennison, then commander of the military forces of Essex and Norfolk counties.
In September, 1652, he was one of theappraisers of the estate of John Cross, one of the earliest settlers of Ipswich.
On the 25, day 11 mo 1652, he and his son Richard, Wheelwrights, “for £14, sell 30 acres upland bounding on land of Mr. John Winthrop,” also another lot of land of ten acres of “medow”.
In 1653 he was one of a committee of three to survey fences in the common fields north of the river. His brother-in-law Thomas Scott died Feb.1653-4 and he was joint executor with Edmund Bridges of his will. On May 25, 1654, their official position was recognized by Thomas Scott, Jr., then a resident of Stamford, Conn.
In 1660 he was granted right “to fell 20 white oak trees to make weels for the townsmen their use.” In 1664 he owned 43 shares in Plumb Island.
Richard Kimball was of the parish of Rattlesden, county of Suffolk, England, as is shown by the following entry on the parish register:
Henry Kimball ye soune of Richard and Vrsula his wife baptized 1615 12 of August.
Ursula was the daughter of Henry Scott of Rattlesden, as appears from the following extract from Henry Scott’swill: “To Abigale Kemball my grandchild twentie shillings to be paid at 21 to Henrie Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21 to Richard Kemball my grandchild twenty shillings to be paid at 21.” He also mentions his wife Martha, and sons Roger and Thomas Scott. Thomas Scott came with his wife and children to this country in the same vessel as Richard and his family, and they brought Martha Scott with them. This will was made 24 Sept. 1635 In the 21st year of James of England by Henry Scott of Rattlesden in the Co. of Suffolk and diocese of Norwich. It was proved in the court of the Arch deacon of Sudbury 10 January 1624-5. As Thomas Scott settled in Ipswich this may have had some influence in causing Richard’s removal from Watertown. Henry Scott was buried at Rattlesden, Dec. 24, 1624. (Parish Register.)
Richard Kimball married second, Oct.23, 1661, Margaret Dow, widow of Henry Dow of Hampton, N.H.
Event Memos from GEDCOM Import...
*New [WILL]
The last will and Testament of Richard Kimball senr of Ipswich in Essex in new England who although weake in body yet of prfect memory doe dispose of my lands & estate in maner & form as followeth.
To my Loveinge wife my will is that she shall dwell in my house and have the Improvement of my ground and meadow belonging therunto with the use and increase of my whole stock of cattle, one whole year after my decease, and then at the years end, the forty pound due to her acording to contract at marriage to be payd her and that houshold stuff she brought with her. And to have liberty to live in the parler end of the house, the roome we now lodge in: and liberty for her nesessary vse of some part of sellar: also the liberty of one cow in the pasture, the executorsto provide winter meate for the same, and to have a quarter part of the fruit of the orchard, and firewood as long as she lives there., And if she desire to remove to her owne house, then to be sett in it with what she have by my executors and to be alowed forty shillings yearly as long as shee lives.
And to my Eldest son Henry, my will is to give him three score and ten pounds to bee payd Twenty pounds, a year & half after my decease, & the remaining part in two years following after that.
To my son Richard I give fforty pounds.
To my son John I give twenty pounds.
To my son Thomas I give Twenty five pounds to bee payd two years and a halfe after my decease, and to his children I give seaven pounds to be devided equally among them and paid as they come of age or at day of marriage, provided if any dye before then their share to be distributed equally among the rest.
And to my son Benjamin, besides the two oxen, allready received I give the sum of twenty five pounds, ten pound to be payd a yeare and halfe after my decease. The rest the two years ffollowing, also to his children I give five pounds, equally to be devyded, and payd, as they come of age, or at day of marriage, in case any dye before, that part to be equally divided to the rest.
And to my son Caleb I give that peace of land knowne by the name of Tings lott, and all my land att Wattells neck with my marsh at the hundreds knowne by the name of Wiatts marsh, and all my working tools exsept two axes, all to be delivered present after my discease also I give fourteene pounds to his seaven children equally to be devided, to be payd as they come of age or at Day of marriage, and if any dye before, that part to be equally devided amongst the rest.
To my son-in-law John Severns, I give ten pounds to be pay'd two yeares & a halfe after my decease.
And to my Daughter Elizabeth, I give thirty pounds, ten pound to be payd, a year & halfe after my decease, and the other two parts, the tow following years after that.
To my Daughter Mary I give ten pounds, five pound to be payd a year & halfe after my decease, the other five pound the year after that.
To my daughter Sarah I give forty pound, five pound to be payd the yeare & halfe after my decease and the rest five pound a yeare till it be all payd, also to her children I give seaven pounds ten shillings to be paid to them as they come of age or at day of marriage, if any dye before, that part to be equally devyded to the rest.
And to my daughter Sarah above sd; I also give the bed I lye on with the furniture after one years use of it by my wife.
To Thomas and Mary I give forty shillings apeece to be payd a year & halfe after my decease, and to Jeremiah I give fifteene pounds to be payd at the age of one & twenty. I give also eight pounds to the two Eldest daughters of Gyes Cowes (that he had by his first wife) to be payd and equally devided to them at the age of sisteene, if either of them dye before then the whole to be given to that that remaines.
I also give four pounds to my Couzen Haniell Bossworth, And doe ordaine & apoynt my two sons above sd. Richard and John Kimball to be my lawfull and sole executors.
And my Couzen Haniell Bosworth above sayd to be my overseer that this my last will and Testament be duely and truly performed And thus I conclude with setting too my hand and seale the fifth of march 1674-5.
Richard Kemball & a mark and a seale.
Signed & sealed after the enterlining (and firewood) in the seventh line in the originall yu the presence of
Moses Pengry Senr
Aron Pengry Ser.