Sources |
- [S1388] BOOK: A genealogy of the Buford family in America, with records of a number of allied families, 17 July 2019; p. 166 (Reliability: 2).
- [S1392] DEEDS: Alabama, Madison County, 1809-1927, 16 July 2019; Book P, p. 103, Bendall S. Anyon to Anderson Hutchison and Albert Buford, Deed of Trust.
- [S1191] CENSUS: U.S., 1840 Alabama, Madison, South half of Madison County; p. 164; Albert A. Buford; 20 July 2019.
- [S1699] DB: Mississippi, Wills and Probate Records, 1780-1982, “First Monday in February,” 1851, William H. Buford appointed guardian of Albert R. Buford, minor.
- [S756] "U.S., Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol I–VI, 1607-1943 ", Henry Buford and Jane Sherman, m. by James Turner 22 August 1799.
- [S1658] DB: Marriage Bonds of Bedford County, Virginia , 1755-1800, Henry Buford and Jane Sherman, 20 Aug 1799, with consents from Henry D. Sherman, father of Jane, and Herny (sic) Buford, father of Henry; citing Earle S. Dennis, Marriage bonds of Bedford County, Virginia, 1755-1800.
- [S4] "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900", Henry Buford and Jane Sherman, m. 1799.
- [S1388] BOOK: A genealogy of the Buford family in America, with records of a number of allied families, 17 July 2019; p. 163.
- [S507] "Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785-1940", Henry Buford and Jane Shannon, m. 22 Aug 1800, Bedford County, VA; citing FHL film no. 30591.
- [S1643] DB: Madison Co, Alabama, Marriage records v. 3-3E 1820-1831, Albert A. Buford to Jane Vance, 31 March 1826, citing FHL film no. 004670399, item no. 1, pg. 443 .