The Stanwood Family

From Colonial New England to Minnesota, learn about the Stanwoods and related families.

Albert Jerome STANWOOD

Albert Jerome STANWOOD

Male 1848 - 1921  (72 years)

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  • Name Albert Jerome STANWOOD 
    Birth 23 Dec 1848  Woodville, Penobscot, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    • Albert consistently stated he was born on the 23rd of December.  In 1908, he stated he was born in 1848, which is consistent with his age of one year reported on the 1850 census.  It is also consistent with his age on the 1860 census, in which he was stated to be 11 years old.  This also agrees with most later censuses in which he appears.  However, in 1910, he reported he made an error in his year of birth, and stated his actual birth date was 23 December 1847.  Additionally, his death certificate provides a date of birth of 23 December 1846, which is clearly inconsistent with his reported age of one year in 1850.  Since the year of 1848 is most congruent with his ages when a child at a time when discrepancies would have been much more obvious, and is also consistent with the majority of censuses in which Albert is enumerated, the year of 1848 is accepted as his actual year of birth.  See pension application:  Albert J. Stanwood, (Private, Co. D, 20th Reg't Main Inf., Civil War) pension no.  777,866, Case Files of Approved Pension Applications..., 1861-1934; Civil War and Later Pension Files; Department of Veteran's Affairs, Record Group 15; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
    Gender Male 
    Census 26 Aug 1850  West Indian Township, Penobscot, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Census 18 Jun 1860  Woodville, Penobscot, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Census 2 Jun 1870  Saint Cloud, Stearns, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Land 10 Dec 1870  Wadena, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [5, 6
    Pre-emption, cash, 160 acres 
    Census 1875  Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    Land 30 Jun 1876  Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [8
    160 acre homestead 
    Census 9 Jun 1880  Webster, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [9
    Census 1885  Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [10
    Census 1 May 1885  Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [11
    Census 2 May 1885  Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [12
    Census 1890  Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [13
    Residence 1895  Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [14
    Census 10 Jun 1895  Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [15
    News 31 Aug 1895  Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [16
    • Wedding of John Cameron and Lavina Stanwood
    News 6 Jan 1896  Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [17
    dau. ill 
    • Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Stanwood, of Northfield, arrived in Princeton, Monday morning, called here by the serious illness of their daughter, Mrs. H.E. Cravens
    News 8 Oct 1898  Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [18
    • Letter to Editor, Editor News: - I wish to correct a report through the columns of your paper. It seems to be the opinion of a good many farmers that I discharged Mr. Stanwood who was doing my threshing and would not let him finish my job on complaint that he wasted the grain. I did not and am perfectly satisfied with the work his machine did and expect him back to finish my threshing this week. Mr. Stanwood is a competent thresher, and, while I am not, I know whether my grain was wasted or not. He threshed eight acres of flax for me and got eighteen bushels per acre and they took only two per cent for dirt at the elevator. He also threshed five acres of oats which yielded fifty-four bushels per acre so I don't think very much went in the straw.-N.S. Canedy.
    News 31 May 1899  Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [19
    • A. Stanwood of Northfield, Minn., was found in an unconscious condition this morning in a lodging house at 25 Washington avenue N. He was taken to the city hospital, where is stated that he had undoubtedly taken a dose of laudanum. He is in critical condition, and the hospital physicians have but little hopes for his recovery. Stanwood comes from a good family, and is the father of four boys. He has a number of teams, which he hires out for harvesting, and was considered by his friends in comfortable circumstances. It is known that he brought quite a little sum of money with him to the city, but not a cent of it remains. It is believed that having either spent or lost all his money, he became despondent and took the poison.
    News 6 Jan 1900  Dundas, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [20
    • “Luckert, Stanwood & Co. are hiring men for the pineries…A. J. Stanwood was in the cities on business last week.”
    Census 1 Jun 1900  Bridgewater, Rice, Minnesota Find all individuals with events at this location  [21
    Census 9 Jun 1900  Floodwood, St. Louis, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [22
    News 8 Nov 1900  Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [23
    • A.M. Palon, a prominent business man of Dundas, was in the village yesterday on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Stanwood and other friends. While here he made the UNION a pleasant call. Mr. Palon was well impressed with the thrift and enterprise of our village. He left on the morning train, in company with Mr. Stanwood, for a cruise in the lumbering district of St. Louis county.
    News 20 Mar 1902  Floodwood, St. Louis, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [24
    • A.J. Stanwood, formerly a resident of this place, had the misfortune to lose a valuable team by drowning in the St. Louis river near Floodwood last week. Melvin Stanwood, the teamster, narrowly escaped drowning in trying to save the team.
    News 3 Apr 1902  Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [25
    • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stanwood of Floodwood, are here on a visit to their daughter, Mrs. H.E. Cravens.
    Residence 3 Apr 1902  Floodwood, St. Louis, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [25
    News 17 Apr 1902  Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [26
    • Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Stanwood, who have been visiting old friends and relatives here for the past three weeks, departed for their home at Floodwood, Monday evening.
    News 29 Sep 1902  Duluth, St. Louis, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [27
    • The Minneapolis Threshing Machine company has brought suit in the district court against A. J. Stanwood and others to recover $425 alleged to be due on a promisory note given by the defendant in July 28, 1898.
    News 8 Sep 1904  Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [28
    • A.J. Stanwood of Floodwood, Minn. came down this weekend and visited his daughter, Mrs. Hason Cravens a few days. Vernon Cravens who had been visiting at Floodwood, returned home with his grandfather.
    Census 14 Jun 1905  Floodwood, St. Louis, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [29
    News 26 Feb 1906  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [30
    • A.J. Stanwood is the plaintiff in a suit begun in the district court today against Charles H. Kelly. The parties were copartners in a threshing machine business that they conducted in North Dakota.  The plaintiff claims that the defendant took possession of $3,000 in cash belonging to the copartnership and left the state.  He asks for a restitution of the money, for the appointment of a receiver and for an accounting.
    Census 28 Apr 1910  Floodwood, St. Louis, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [31
    Residence 1916  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [32
    2021 22nd Ave S.; laborer 
    Residence 1917  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [33
    2007 Cedar Ave.; Barnman 
    Residence 12 Sep 1918  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [34
    2119 Cedar Ave.; watchman 
    News 19 Feb 1920  Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [35
    • Obituary of Mrs. Lavina (Bursley) Stanwood
    Obituary Oct 1921  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [36
    • Stanwood - A.G., aged 74, member G.A.R., passed away Wednesday, October 19, at Deaconess hospital. Funeral services will be at the Earl Undertaking Parlors, Franklin and Chicago ave. Saturday afternoon, October 22 at 2 o'clock. He is survived by two sisters, one brother, three daughters, Mrs. H.E. Cravens, Mrs. John Cameron, Mrs. Ernest Simpson and four sons, Bert J., Benjamin, Fred, Melvin. Interment at Crystal Lake cemetery.
    Death 19 Oct 1921  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [37
    Obituary 20 Oct 1921  Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [38
    • Former Princeton Resident Dies-Word was received yesterday afternoon that A.J. Stanwood, a former resident of Princeton, passed away at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, in the Deaconess' hospital in Minneapolis. He was 74 years of age and his death was due to pneumonia.-Mr. Stanwood was well known to the older generation in Princeton, where he had made his home for many years. He was a member of the G.A.R. and his former comrades will be grieved to hear of his death. One by one the old veterans are slipping away and each death now makes a big gap in their ranks.-Mr. Stanwood is survived by six children, Melvin, Ben, Bert, Mrs. H.E. Cravens of Minneapolis, Mrs. Susie Simpson and Mrs. John Cameron. His death will be greatly regretted by all his former friends in Princeton who extend their sympathy to the members of the family.
    Burial 22 Oct 1921  Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [39, 40
    Person ID I2622  Stanwood Family
    Last Modified 2 Oct 2021 

    Father David W STANWOOD,   b. 18 Oct 1816, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 12 Jan 1890, Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 73 years) 
    Mother Caroline E WHITE,   b. 4 Dec 1830, Chester, Penobscot, Maine Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aft 3 Mar 1894, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age > 64 years) 
    Marriage 18 Jul 1847  Penobscot, Maine, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [41
    Land Sale 28 Feb 1888  Northfield, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Lots One and Four of Block Seven of Cutlers Addition
    Family ID F30  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Lavina Spencer BURSLEY,   b. 11 Oct 1848   d. 8 Feb 1920, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 71 years) 
    Marriage 15 Jan 1871  Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [42
     1. Georgiana STANWOOD,   b. 31 Jan 1872, Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 May 1939, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 67 years)
     2. Lavina STANWOOD,   b. 4 Apr 1874, Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 17 Apr 1943, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 69 years)
     3. Bert Jerome STANWOOD,   b. 30 Nov 1875, Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 28 Apr 1947, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 71 years)
     4. Benjamin STANWOOD,   b. 15 Jun 1878, Anoka, Anoka, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 Jan 1951, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 72 years)
     5. Frederick Clinton STANWOOD,   b. 9 Apr 1880, Webster, Rice, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 9 Jan 1958, Willmar, Kandiyohi, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 77 years)
     6. Melvin Scott STANWOOD,   b. 10 Nov 1882, Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 31 Aug 1962, Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 79 years)
     7. Susan Belle STANWOOD,   b. 15 May 1885, Santiago, Sherburne, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 22 Dec 1946, Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 61 years)
     8. Fanny STANWOOD,   b. 19 Apr 1888, Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 10 Sep 1888, Princeton, Mille Lacs, Minnesota, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
    Family ID F659  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Dec 2024 

  • Photos


  • Notes 
    • Albert Stanwood proved himself as a lumber man, and his efforts paid off financially. His family had no lack, and he was able to provide well for them. A good example of his financial stability may be seen in the purchase of a piano for his daughter Susan's twelfth birthday. Prior to his years at the mill, Albert served in Company D of the Maine Volunteer Regiment from January 1, 1865 to July 16 of the same year. He had just turned sixteen years of age the month before his enlistment. His service in the Civil War was short, although not without complications. In his application for pension dated May 23, 1890, he states that he was afflicted with "diarrhea in a very bad way...Piles developed soon after the diarrhea and troubled me much for the remainder of my term of service in the army and ever since." He also states that he developed rheumatism during this time, and was also down with the measles and resulting lung disease in January 1865, and was hospitalized at Gallups Island near Boston, Massachusetts. Albert maintained that the "Disease of the Lungs" and other complications never resolved, and interfered with his ability to work. He continued to applying for pension increases until 1915, and was receiving a $50 per month pension at the time of death in 1921.

      During the years of correspondence with the government for a pension, Albert changed two things: his year of birth, and his middle initial. On October 24, 1910, Albert submitted a statement "correcting" his year of birth from 1848 to 1847, and it is evident through out the censuses that his year of birth was actually 1848. To complicate matters, both his death certificat and gravestone inscription are incorrect; they list his year of birth as 1846. In addition to the confusion surrounding his year of birth, there was disagreement as to his middle initial. All correspondence to his wife by his son Melvin was addressed to Mrs. Albert J. Stanwood. He was also listed in the 1890 Veteran's Census with the middle initial "J". However, in his applications for pension, he signs his name "Albert G. Stanwood", the form which also appears on his death certificate.

      Also interesting to note is the 1908 physical description given of Albert on his pension application: height 5'5", fair complexion, gray eyes and brown hair. If his height is accurate, it certainly did not pose a limitation to him as a lumberman.

  • Sources 
    1. [S1411] Civil War Pension Files, Albert J. Stanwood, (Private, Co. D, 20th Reg't Main Inf., Civil War) pension no. 777,866.

    2. [S1202] CENSUS: U.S., 1850 Maine, Penosbcot, West Indian Township; pp. 374A-374B; dwelling no. 373, family no. 381; David, Caroline and Albert Stanwood; 3 May 2015.

    3. [S1217] CENSUS: U.S., 1860 Maine, Penobscot, Woodville; p. 11; dwelling 74, family 74; e, Betsy, Benj, Fanny, Caroline, Albert Stanwood; Benj F. Shaw, George C., and David [Stanwood]; 27 April 2010.

    4. [S1236] CENSUS: U.S., 1870 Minnesota, Stearns, St. Cloud, Ward 1; p. 6 (penned); dwelling 44, family 44; Cloud, Ward 1, A. Stanwood, age 24, residing with hotel keeper J. H. Kelly; 3 May 2015.

    5. [S1391] Bureau of Land Management, 10 May 2010; Saint Cloud, Minnesota Land Office, Albert G. Stanwood (Wadena County) cash entry file, certificate no. 4925.

    6. [S994] "U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907",, database entry for Albert J. Stanwood, pre-emption certificate no. 4925.

    7. [S1346] CENSUS: State, 1875 Minnesota, Sherburne, Santiago, p. 622, J. A. & L. S. Stanwood, with G. A. and L. A. Stanwood; Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota State Population Census, 1875, roll MNSC_15; images online, ( : accessed 14 Feb 2020).

    8. [S994] "U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907",, database entry for Albert J. Stanwood, homestead certificate no. 3254, application no. 6909.

    9. [S1253] CENSUS: U.S., 1880 Minnesota, Rice, Webster; 131; p. 9 (penned) or 210A (stamped); dwelling 76, family 76; ebster, Albert, Lavina, Georgiana, Lavina, Albert, Benjamin and Mortimer Stanwood; 3 May 2015.

    10. [S1350] CENSUS: State, 1885 Minnesota, Rice, Northfield, p. 6, (83 noted in margin), family 40, D.W., E. E. (sic), A.J., D.C., Mary E., and Flora Stanwood, with A.E. & A.E. McMaster; Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota State Population Census, 1885, roll MNSC_40; images online, ( : accessed 3 May 2015).

    11. [S1351] CENSUS: State, 1885 Minnesota, Sherburne, [Town not specified], pp. 6-7 (447-448 written in margins), family no. 46, Albert, Lavina, Georgiana, Lavina, Bertie J., Benjamin, Freddie and Melvin Stanwood; Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota State Population Census, 1885, roll MNSC_44; images online, ( : accessed 3 May 2015).

    12. [S1349] CENSUS: State, 1885 Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Princeton, p. 4, family no. 29, line 25, Albert Stanwood with family of C.H. and Mary Rines; Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota State Population Census, 1885, roll MNSC_20; images online, ( : accessed 3 May 2015).

    13. [S1265] CENSUS: U.S., 1890 Minnesota, Isanti (Vet Sched), Spencer Brook, Wyanett and Springvale; 52; p. 2; house 132, family 138; Albert J. Stanwood; 3 May 2015.

    14. [S1371] CITY DIR: 1895 Minnesota, Rice, p. 363.
      A.J. Stanwood, farmer, Northfield

    15. [S1353] CENSUS: State, 1895 Minnesota, Rice, Northfield, p. 10, family 50, Albert and Lavina Stanwood with Bert, Lavina, Benjamin, Fred, Melvin and Susan Stanwood; Minnesota Historical Society, roll V290_93; images online, ( : accessed 3 May 2015).

    16. [S543] Minnesota Historical Society, "The Northfield News", The Northfield (Minnesota) News, 31 August 1895, wedding announcement, wedding of John Cameron and Lavina Stanwood, p. 7, c. 3.
      accessed : 1 Jan 2014
      "Dundas Doings," The Northfield (Minnesota) News, 31 August 1895, online images, Minnesota Digital Newspapers Hub ( : 1 Jan 2014), wedding of John Cameron and Lavina Stanwood, p. 7, c. 3.

    17. [S1421] NEWS: The Princeton Union, Items of Interest; 9 January 1896; Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Stanwood, and daughter Mrs. H. E. Cravens, n.p., c. 2.; 18 March 2012.

    18. [S1489] NEWS: Northfield News - (Minn. Digital News Hub), Communication; letter to the editor; 8 October 1898; "Mr. Stanwood," p. 4, c. 6; 1 January 2014; N.S. Canedy to editor.

    19. [S1144] NEWS: The Minneapolis Journal, Found Unconscious; 31 May 1899; A. Stanwood; 7 December 2014.

    20. [S543] Minnesota Historical Society, "The Northfield News", The Northfield (Minnesota) News, 6 Jan 1900, Dundas Doings - Luckert, Stanwood & Company; A.J. Stanwood; p. 7, c. 3.
      accessed : 1 Jan 2014
      "Dundas Doings," The Northfield News, 6 Jan 1900, images online, Minnesota Digital Newspapers Hub ( : accessed 1 Jan 2014), Luckert, Stanwood & Company; A.J. Stanwood; p. 7, c. 3.

    21. [S1279] CENSUS: U.S., 1900 Minnesota, Rice Co., Bridgewater; 146; sheet 6A; dwelling 113, family 116; Albert, Lavina, Bert J., Benjamin, Fred, Melvin and Susan Stanwood; 3 May 2015.

    22. [S1280] CENSUS: U.S., 1900 Minnesota, St. Louis, Floodwood; 255; sheet 4B; dwelling 37, family 37; Albert J., Bert J., and Benjamin Stanwood; 3 May 2015.

    23. [S1421] NEWS: The Princeton Union, Items of Interest; 8 November 1900; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stanwood, p. 5, c. 2; 18 March 2012.

    24. [S1421] NEWS: The Princeton Union, Local; 20 March 1902; A. J. Stanwood loses valuable team, Melvin Stanwood narrowly avoids drowning, p. 5, c. 3; 17 March 2012.

    25. [S1421] NEWS: The Princeton Union, Items of Interest; 3 April 1902; Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Stanwood visit daughter, Mrs. H.E. Cravens, p. 5; 17 March 2012.

    26. [S1421] NEWS: The Princeton Union, Items of Interest; local news; 17 April 1902; Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Stanwood return home, p. 5, c. 2; 17 March 2012.

    27. [S1079] NEWS: Duluth Evening Herald, Brief City News; 29 September 1902; A.J. Stanwood, p. 9; 19 May 2013.

    28. [S1421] NEWS: The Princeton Union, Items of Interest; 8 September 1904; A.J. Stanwood, Mrs. Hason Cravens, Vernon Cravens, p. 5, c. 3; 18 March 2012.

    29. [S1360] CENSUS: State, 1905 Minnesota, St. Louis, Floodwood, p. 179, A.J. Stanwood with Lavina, Susie and Fred; Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota State Population Census, 1905, roll MNSC_154; images online, ( : accessed 17 December 2017).

    30. [S1144] NEWS: The Minneapolis Journal, Sues His Partner; 26 February 1906; Albert Stanwood, p. 6; 7 December 2014.

    31. [S1293] CENSUS: U.S., 1910 Minnesota, Saint Louis, Floodwood; 208; sheet 7A; dwelling 105, family 118, ; Albert J., Levina S. (sic) and Sussie (sic) Stanwood, with Beatrice M. Clark; 3 May 2015.

    32. [S1679] DB: Minneapolis City Directory Collection 1859-1917, 4 May 2015; Stanwood, Albert J., 1916:2016.
      Citing C. W. Davison, Minneapolis, Minnesota, City Directory. (Minneapolis: Minneapolis Directory Company, 1916).

    33. [S1679] DB: Minneapolis City Directory Collection 1859-1917, 21 May 2016; Albert Stanwood, barnman, residing at 2007 Cedar Ave.; and Benj Stanwood, eng., res. 2430 Hiawatha ave, 1917:2041.

    34. [S1679] DB: Minneapolis City Directory Collection 1859-1917, 4 May 2015; Albert J. Stanwood, 1918:1654.
      Davison, C. W., compiler, Minneapolis, Minnesota, City Directory. (Minneapolis: Minneapolis Directory Company, 1918)

    35. [S1421] NEWS: The Princeton Union, Mrs. Lavina Stanwood; obituary; 19 February 1920; Lavina Stanwood, p. 1, c. 1; 11 November 2011.

    36. [S686] “Stanwood-A.J.,” undated clipping, ca. October 1921, from unidentified newspaper; Mahieu Research Fi.

    37. [S328] Minnesota, Division of Public Health - Vital Statistics, Deaths, death certificate no. 3443 (1921), Albert G. Stanwood.

    38. [S1421] NEWS: The Princeton Union, Former Princeton Resident Dies; obituary; 20 October 1921; Albert Stanwood, p. 5, c. 4; 11 November 2011.

    39. [S976] Crystal Lake Cemtery (Minneapolis, Minnesota), Grave Markers, Albert Stanwood and Lavina Stanwood, lot 115, section 4/5, undated plat. The actual gravestone (viewed by the author, 1989) reads STANWOOD “GRANDMOTHER LEVINA” and “GRANDFATHER ALBERT”.
      Crystal Lake Cemetery (Minneapolis, Minnesota) to Lauren Rogers Mahieu, Cemetery Plat, Albert Stanwood and Lavina Stanwood, lot 115, section 4/5, undated plat. The actual gravestone (viewed by the author, 1989) reads STANWOOD “GRANDMOTHER LEVINA” and “GRANDFATHER ALBERT”

    40. [S976] Crystal Lake Cemtery (Minneapolis, Minnesota), Grave Markers, Joint grave marker for “Stanwood,” noting “Grandmother Levina (1850-1919)” and “Grandfather Albert (1846-1921)” photograph by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, October, 1993.
      Crystal Lake Cemetery (Hennepin, Minnesota; Penn Ave N & 40 Ave N), joint grave marker for “Stanwood,” noting “Grandmother Levina (1850-1919)” and “Grandfather Albert (1846-1921)” photograph by Lauren Rogers Mahieu, October, 1993.

    41. [S84] Maine, Penobscot, Marriages 1827-1857, entry for David Stanwood and Caroline White, FHL microfilm 001948, FHL microfilm 001948.

    42. [S803] Minnesota, Sherburne County, marriages, marriage license n.n. (1871), Albert Stanwood and Lavina Bursley, County Recorder, Elk River.

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