Obituary |
- Mrs. Geo. E. Hughes Passes Suddenly:A very sad and untilmely death occurred on Sunday afternoon, December 5th at 4:47 when Mrs. Bertha Hughes, beloved wife of Geo. E. Hughes, who lives on a farm 10 miles northeast of Emily, in Little Pine township, passed away. Mrs. Hughes, in company with her son had spent the day visiting at the home of her son, Clarence Hughes, in Hales addition, and on returning home their car got stuck in a snow drift, within about 5 miles from their home. Mrs. Hughes got out and walked a distance of about two blocks to the home of E. W. Kiles, and on entering complained about serious pains in her head and passed away quietly soon thereafter, cause of death being cerebral apoplexy. Mrs. Hughes was born in Wright County, Minnesota, December 16, 1873 and was at the time of her death, 52 years, 11 months and 19 days old. The funeral was held yesterday, Wednesday, afternoon at 1:00 o’clock from the farm home where they have lived for so many years, and burial was made in the Emily cemetery. The children who survive are: Mrs. Duard Halley of Little Pine; Loren Hughes of Little Pine, Lester Hughes of Crosby, Arthur Hughes of Wyzata Minn., Mrs Leonard Bodle of Ross Lake Township and Jack, Duane, Emmett and Bertha at home, besides the husband, Mr. Hughes. The pall bearers consisted of her six sons, who carried her to her last resting place. The family have the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement in losing a good, loving, Christian mother.